Source code for

This module contains a tool functions used to create a new project.

from multiprocessing import Lock, Process, Queue, Manager, cpu_count
import numpy as np
import random
import numba

[docs]class Unit: """ This class represents a unit. In this way a value and a unit can be saved and with class methods the unit can easily be changed. The default value used by the programme is always the 1 value in unit_scale. """ def __init__(self, val, unit, description = "No description given."): self.val = val self.unit = unit self.description = description
[docs] def convert_to(self, new_unit, msg=False): def change_unit(self, new_unit, msg): unit_scale = {'time': {'h': 1 / 3600, 'min': 1 / 60, 's': 1}, 'velocity': {'km/h': 1, 'km/min': 1 / 60, 'km/s': 1 / 3600, 'm/h': 1000, 'm/min': 1000 / 60, 'm/s': 1000 / 3600}, 'energy': {'kWh': 1, 'Wh': 1000}, 'power': {'kW': 1, 'W': 1000}, 'voltage': {'V': 1, 'kW': 1 / 1000}, 'distance': {'km': 1/1000, 'm': 1, 'cm': 100}, 'weight': {'kg': 1, 'g': 1000, 't': 1 / 1000}, 'volume': {'m3': 1}, 'area': {'m2': 1} } # Get correct scale for unit found = False for key, value in unit_scale.items(): if self.unit in value: found = True scale = value break if not found: return # Check if new_unit could not be loaded in scale if new_unit not in scale: if msg: print('The given unit is not known and can not be converted.') return conversion_value = scale[self.unit] # Change value and unit for key, value in scale.items(): scale[key] = value / conversion_value if msg: print(f'Unit of value changed: {self.val} {self.unit} -> {self.val * scale[new_unit]} {new_unit}') self.val *= scale[new_unit] self.unit = new_unit return self # Check if value is None if not self.val: if msg: print('Unit could not be converted because value is None.') return change_unit(self, new_unit=new_unit, msg=msg) return self
[docs] def convert_to_default_value(self): self.convert_to('s') self.convert_to('km/h') self.convert_to('kWh') self.convert_to('kW') self.convert_to('V') self.convert_to('m') self.convert_to('kg') self.convert_to('m3') self.convert_to('m2') return self
[docs] def info(self): print(f'val: {self.val}, unit: {self.unit}, description: {self.description}')
[docs]def parallelize(function=None, inputdict: dict = None, nr_workers=1, **kargs): """ Parallelize function to run program faster. The queue contains tuples of keys and objects, the function must be consistent when getting data from queue. Args: function (function, optional): Function that is to be parallelized. Defaults to None. inputdict (dict, optional): Contains numbered keys and as value any object. Defaults to None. nr_workers (int, optional): Number of workers, so their tasks can run parallel. Defaults to 1. Returns: dict: Dictionary the given functions creates. """ total_cpu = cpu_count() print(f"Workers: {nr_workers} of {total_cpu}") if nr_workers > total_cpu: nr_workers = total_cpu print(f"Workers: {nr_workers}") with Manager() as manager: dc = manager.dict() queue = Queue() for key, item in inputdict.items(): queue.put((key, item)) queue_lock = Lock() processes = {} for i in range(nr_workers): if kargs: processes[i] = Process(target=parallel_func, args=( dc, queue, queue_lock, function, kargs, )) else: processes[i] = Process(target=parallel_func, args=( dc, queue, queue_lock, function, )) processes[i].start() for i in range(nr_workers): processes[i].join() outputdict = dict(dc) return outputdict
[docs]def parallel_func(dc, queue=None, queue_lock=None, function=None, kargs={}): """ #TODO DOCSTRING Args: dc ([type]): [description] queue ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. queue_lock ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. function ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. kargs (dict, optional): [description]. Defaults to {}. Returns: [type]: [description] """ while True: queue_lock.acquire() if queue.empty(): queue_lock.release() return None key, item = queue.get() queue_lock.release() obj = function(**item, **kargs) dc[key] = obj
[docs]def set_seed(): """ Sets seed at the beginning of any python script or jupyter notebook. That allows to repeat the same calculations with exactly same results, without any random noise. """ @numba.njit def set_seed_with_numba(seed): np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) with open(f"config_files/seed.txt") as f: seed = int('\n', '')) set_seed_with_numba(seed)
[docs]def check_for_new_function_name(attribute_error_name): """ In an earlier update function names have been changed from camelCase to snake_case. To prevent users confusing this function raises a specific AttributeError of the user trys to access to old function name, which does not exist anymore. """ new_names = { 'ChooseChargingPoint': '_choose_charging_point', 'ChooseChargingPointFast': '_choose_charging_point_fast', 'drawing_soc': '_drawing_soc', 'fill_rows': '_fill_rows', 'initial_conf': '_initial_conf', 'loadSettingDriving': '_load_setting_driving', 'save_profile': 'save_profile', 'setBatteryRules': '_set_battery_rules', 'setScenario': 'set_scenario', 'setVehicleFeature': '_set_vehicle_feature', 'soc': '_soc', 'testing_soc': '_testing_soc', 'A2BatPoint': '_A2BatPoint', 'balanced': '_balanced', 'changeBatteryCapacity': 'x', 'check_success': '_check_success', 'immediate': '_immediate', 'loadScenario': 'load_scenario', 'setSubScenario': 'set_sub_scenario', 'load_specs': '_load_specs', 'cop_and_target_temp': '_cop_and_target_temp', 'ev_par_test': '_ev_par_test', 'loadSettingMobility': 'load_setting_mobility', 'select_driving_cycle_index': '_select_driving_cycle_index', 'get_index_speed': '_get_index_speed', 'check': '_check', 'layers_name': '_layers_name', 'makearrays': '_makearrays', 'zones_name': '_zones_name', 'get_codes': '_get_codes', 'get_efficiency': '_get_efficiency', 'load_file': '_load_file', 'frontal_area': '_frontal_area', 'PMR': '_pmr', 'airDensityFromIdealGasLaw': 'air_density_from_ideal_gas_law', 'calcDewPoint': 'calc_dew_point', 'calcDryAirPartialPressure': 'calc_dry_air_partial_pressure', 'calcRelHumidity': 'calc_rel_humidity', 'calcVaporPressure': 'calc_vapor_pressure', 'humidairDensity': 'humidair_density', 'loadfilesBatch': 'loadfiles_batch', 'clean': '_clean', 'group_trips_week': '_group_trips_week', 'logging_meetcond': '_logging_meetcond', 'MeetAllConditions': '_meet_all_conditions', 'select_tour': '_select_tour', 'setParams': 'set_params', 'setStats': 'set_stats', 'setRules': 'set_rules', } if attribute_error_name in new_names.keys(): raise AttributeError( f'{attribute_error_name} does not exist. Note: We changed the attribute names from camelCase ' f'to snake_case. \n The new attribute name for {attribute_error_name} is {new_names[attribute_error_name]}.') else: raise AttributeError( f'{attribute_error_name} does not exist. Note: We changed the attribute names from camelCase ' f'to snake_case. \n You may have to adapt your attributes.')