Source code for emobpy.plot

This module contains a class that can be used to visualise the data. There are different visualisation functions.

import pandas as pd
# import numpy as np
from .functions import balance

    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    from plotly.offline import iplot
    import cufflinks as cf
    from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

except ImportError:
    raise Exception("This plotly code only works within a jupyter notebook")

from IPython.display import display, HTML

from emobpy import DataBase

[docs]class NBplot: """ Work in Jupyter notebooks only. Set of plots for a single time series and groups. Three kind of plots: - self.sgplot_dp(tscode) for driving profiles - self.sgplot_ga(tscode) for grid availability profiles - self.sgplot_ged(tscode) for grid electricity demand profiles - tscode: time series code (string of profile name) self.__init__(db) db is an instance of a DataBase class that contains the time series. """ def __init__(self, db): self.db = db
[docs] def sgplot_dp(self, tscode, rng=None, to_html=False, path=None): """ Plot of a single driving profile. Args: tscode (str): Time series code. Eg. 'ev_user_W3_85e59_avai_65t2p' rng (tuple): (a,b) index if only part of timeseries should be copied. Defaults to None. to_html (bool): Save as a html file. Defaults to False. path (str): Path if plot should be saved to file. Defaults to None. Returns: plotly.plot: Plot object. """ self.db.update() if rng is None: df = self.db.db[tscode]["timeseries"].copy() else: df = self.db.db[tscode]["timeseries"].iloc[rng[0]: rng[1]].copy() if self.db.db[tscode]["kind"] != "driving": raise Exception( "code '{}' does not correspond to a driving profile".format(tscode) ) cnt = df.groupby([df.index, "state"])["state"].count() cn = ( pd.DataFrame(cnt) .rename(columns={"state": "count"}) .unstack(level=-1) .fillna(0) ) cn.columns = cn.columns.droplevel() rr = (cn.T / cn.T.sum(axis=0)).T figa = rr.iplot(kind="area", fill=True, asFigure=True) figb = df["distance"].iplot(asFigure=True) fig = cf.subplots([figa, figb], shape=(2, 1), shared_xaxes=True) fig["layout"]["yaxis"].update( {"title": "Location", "rangemode": "tozero", "domain": [0.7, 1.0]} ) fig["layout"]["yaxis2"].update( {"title": "Distance (km)", "rangemode": "tozero", "domain": [0.0, 0.65]} ) fig = go.Figure(data=fig["data"], layout=fig["layout"]) if to_html: if path is None: raise Exception( """when to_html is True then path must be given with .html extension""" ) else: fig.write_html(file=path) return fig
[docs] def sgplot_ga(self, tscode, rng=None, to_html=False, path=None): """ Plot of a single grid availability profile. Args: tscode (str): Time series code. Eg. 'ev_user_W3_85e59_avai_65t2p' rng (tuple): (a,b) index if only part of timeseries should be copied. Defaults to None. to_html (bool): Save as a html file. Defaults to False. path (str): Path if plot should be saved to file. Defaults to None. Returns: plotly.plot: Plot object. """ self.db.update() if rng is None: df = self.db.db[tscode]["timeseries"].copy() else: df = self.db.db[tscode]["timeseries"].iloc[rng[0]: rng[1]].copy() if self.db.db[tscode]["kind"] != "availability": raise Exception( "code '{}' does not correspond to a grid availability profile".format( tscode ) ) dt = df[["state", "consumption", "charging_point", "charging_cap", "soc"]] cnt = dt.groupby([dt.index, "state"])["state"].count() cn = ( pd.DataFrame(cnt) .rename(columns={"state": "count"}) .unstack(level=-1) .fillna(0) ) cn.columns = cn.columns.droplevel() rr = (cn.T / cn.T.sum(axis=0)).T figa = rr.iplot(kind="area", fill=True, asFigure=True) dk = dt[["consumption", "charging_cap"]] figb = dk.iplot(asFigure=True) dd = dt["soc"] figc = dd.iplot(asFigure=True) fig = cf.subplots([figa, figb, figc], shape=(3, 1), shared_xaxes=True) fig["layout"]["xaxis"].update( {"tickfont": {"family": "Arial, sans-serif", "size": 13, "color": "black"}} ) fig["layout"]["yaxis"].update( { "title": "Location", "titlefont": {"size": 12}, "showgrid": False, "showline": True, "rangemode": "tozero", "zeroline": True, "domain": [0.75, 1.0], "tickformat": "%", "tickfont": { "family": "Arial, sans-serif", "size": 12, "color": "black", }, "linewidth": 2, } ) fig["layout"]["yaxis2"].update( { "title": "Grid Availability (kW)", "titlefont": {"size": 12}, "showgrid": True, "showline": True, "rangemode": "tozero", "domain": [0.4, 0.7], "tickfont": { "family": "Arial, sans-serif", "size": 12, "color": "black", }, "linewidth": 2, } ) fig["layout"]["yaxis3"].update( { "title": "SOC", "titlefont": {"size": 12}, "showgrid": True, "showline": True, "rangemode": "tozero", "domain": [0.0, 0.35], "tickformat": "%", "tickfont": { "family": "Arial, sans-serif", "size": 12, "color": "black", }, "linewidth": 2, } ) fig["layout"].update( { "paper_bgcolor": "white", "plot_bgcolor": "white", "margin": dict(l=10, r=10, t=20, b=10, pad=0), } ) # ,'width': 800,'height': 450,'showlegend': True fig = go.Figure(data=fig["data"], layout=fig["layout"]) if to_html: if path is None: raise Exception( """when to_html is True then path must be given with .html extension""" ) else: fig.write_html(file=path) return fig
[docs] def sgplot_ged(self, tscode, rng=None, to_html=False, path=None): """ Plot of grid electricity demand profiles associated with the same grid availability profile. Args: tscode (str): Time series code. Eg. 'ev_user_W3_85e59_avai_65t2p' rng (tuple): (a,b) index if only part of timeseries should be copied. Defaults to None. to_html (bool): Save as a html file. Defaults to False. path (str): Path if plot should be saved to file. Defaults to None. Returns: plotly.plot: Plot object. """ self.db.update() if self.db.db[tscode]["kind"] != "charging": raise Exception( "code '{}' does not correspond to a grid electricity demand profile".format( tscode ) ) df = pd.DataFrame() availcode = self.db.db[tscode]["input"] for k in self.db.db.keys(): if self.db.db[k]["kind"] == "charging": if self.db.db[k]["input"] == availcode: tmp = self.db.db[k]["timeseries"].copy() tmp.loc[:, "option"] = self.db.db[k]["option"] df = df.append(tmp, sort=False) if rng is None: pass else: df = df.iloc[rng[0] : rng[1]].copy() dt = df[["state", "actual_soc", "charge_grid", "option"]] dt = dt.astype(dtype={'actual_soc':float, 'charge_grid':float}) cnt = dt.groupby([dt.index, "state"])["state"].count() cn = ( pd.DataFrame(cnt) .rename(columns={"state": "count"}) .unstack(level=-1) .fillna(0) ) cn.columns = cn.columns.droplevel() rr = (cn.T / cn.T.sum(axis=0)).T figc = rr.iplot(kind="area", fill=True, asFigure=True) dff = dt.pivot_table( index=dt.index, columns="option", values="actual_soc", aggfunc="sum" ) figa = dff.iplot(asFigure=True) dg = dt.pivot_table( index=dt.index, columns="option", values="charge_grid", aggfunc="sum" ) figb = dg.iplot(asFigure=True) fig = cf.subplots([figa, figb, figc], shape=(3, 1), shared_xaxes=True) fig["layout"]["xaxis"].update( {"tickfont": {"family": "Arial, sans-serif", "size": 14, "color": "black"}} ) fig["layout"]["yaxis"].update( { "title": "SOC", "titlefont": {"size": 14}, "showgrid": False, "showline": True, "rangemode": "tozero", "zeroline": True, "domain": [0.7, 1.0], "tickformat": "%", "tickfont": { "family": "Arial, sans-serif", "size": 14, "color": "black", }, "linewidth": 2, } ) fig["layout"]["yaxis2"].update( { "title": "Actual charge (kW)", "titlefont": {"size": 14}, "showgrid": True, "showline": True, "rangemode": "tozero", "domain": [0.25, 0.65], "tickfont": { "family": "Arial, sans-serif", "size": 12, "color": "black", }, "linewidth": 2, } ) fig["layout"]["yaxis3"].update( { "title": "Location", "titlefont": {"size": 14}, "showgrid": True, "showline": True, "rangemode": "tozero", "domain": [0.0, 0.2], "tickformat": "%", "tickfont": { "family": "Arial, sans-serif", "size": 12, "color": "black", }, "linewidth": 2, } ) fig["layout"].update( { "paper_bgcolor": "white", "plot_bgcolor": "white", "margin": dict(l=10, r=10, t=20, b=10, pad=0), "showlegend": True, } ) # 'width': 800,'height': 450 FIG = go.Figure(data=fig["data"], layout=fig["layout"]) if to_html: if path is None: raise Exception( """when to_html is True then path must be given with .html extension""" ) else: FIG.write_html(file=path) return FIG
[docs] def sankey(self, tscode, include=None, to_html=False, path=None): """ Plot of sankey diagram which shows the energy consumption flows. Args: tscode (str): Time series code. Eg. 'ev_user_W3_85e59_avai_65t2p' include (int): Index which part to include. Defaults to None. to_html (bool): Save as a html file. Defaults to False. path (str): Path if plot should be saved to file. Defaults to None. Returns: plotly.plot: Plot object. """ self.db.update() distance, consumption, rate, label, source, target, value = balance( self.db, tscode, include=include ) link = dict(source=source, target=target, value=value) node = dict(label=label, pad=50, thickness=10) data = go.Sankey(link=link, node=node) fig = go.Figure(data) if to_html: if path is None: raise Exception( """when to_html is True then path must be given with .html extension""" ) else: fig.write_html(file=path) print(f"Consumption [kWh]: {round(consumption,3)}") print(f"Distance [km]: {round(distance,3)}") print(f"Specific consumption [kWh/100 km]: {round(rate,3)}") return fig
[docs] def overview(self, tscode, date_range=None, to_html=False, path=None): """ Still in Development. Do not use! date_range=['01/01/2020 00:00:00','01/06/2020 23:00:00'] """ self.db.update() gavailability_name = self.db.db[tscode]['input'] # print(gavailability_name) consumption_name = self.db.db[gavailability_name]['input'] ts = self.db.db[gavailability_name]['timeseries'].reset_index(drop=False).rename( columns={'date': 'datetime', 'hh': 'hr'}) print(f"Actual time-series date range = [{ts.datetime.min()},{ts.datetime.max()}]") if date_range is None: start = ts.datetime.min() end = ts.datetime.max() else: start = date_range[0] end = date_range[1] cons = self.db.db[consumption_name] from emobpy.consumption import include_weather, Weather wt = Weather() D = wt.humidair_density temp_arr = wt.temp(cons['weather_country'], cons['weather_year']) pres_arr = wt.pressure(cons['weather_country'], cons['weather_year']) dp_arr = wt.dewpoint(cons['weather_country'], cons['weather_year']) hum_arr = wt.calc_rel_humidity(dp_arr, temp_arr) r_ha = wt.humidair_density(temp_arr, pres_arr, h=hum_arr) dfs = include_weather(ts, cons['refdate'], temp_arr, pres_arr, dp_arr, hum_arr, r_ha) cdf = self.db.db[consumption_name]['profile'].copy() dfg = pd.merge_asof(dfs, cdf[['datetime', 'speed km/h']], on="datetime", tolerance=pd.Timedelta("900s"), direction="nearest").fillna(0.0).set_index('datetime') df = pd.DataFrame() availcode = self.db.db[tscode]["input"] for k in self.db.db.keys(): if self.db.db[k]["kind"] == "charging": if self.db.db[k]["input"] == availcode: tmp = self.db.db[k]["timeseries"].copy() tmp.loc[:, "option"] = self.db.db[k]["option"] df = df.append(tmp, sort=False) dt = df[["state", "actual_soc", "charge_grid", "option"]] dt = dt.astype(dtype={'actual_soc':float, 'charge_grid':float}) dff = dt.pivot_table(index=dt.index, columns="option", values="actual_soc", aggfunc="sum") dg = dt.pivot_table(index=dt.index, columns="option", values="charge_grid", aggfunc="sum") dg.loc[:, 'Grid Availability'] = dfg["charging_cap"] cnt = dfg.groupby([dfg.index, "state"])["state"].count() cn = ( pd.DataFrame(cnt) .rename(columns={"state": "count"}) .unstack(level=-1) .fillna(0) ) cn.columns = cn.columns.droplevel() rr = (cn.T / cn.T.sum(axis=0)).T # imput is the name of grid demand time series (charging class) and database 'db' # rr, dfg, dff, dg are dataframes resulting from a preprocessing step fig1 = rr[start:end].iplot(kind="area", fill=True, asFigure=True) fig2 = dfg[start:end][["distance", "consumption"]].iplot(colors=['green', 'pink'], asFigure=True) fig3 = dfg[start:end][["temp_degC", "speed km/h"]].iplot(colors=['purple', '#9c8830'], asFigure=True) fig4 = dg[start:end].iplot(yTitle='Power rating (kW)', asFigure=True) fig5 = dff[start:end].iplot(yTitle='SOC', asFigure=True) for trace in fig5['data']: trace['showlegend'] = True fig = make_subplots(rows=5, cols=1, specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}], [{'secondary_y': True}], [{'secondary_y': True}], [{'secondary_y': True}], [{'secondary_y': True}]]) [fig.add_trace(trace, secondary_y=False, row=1, col=1) for trace in fig1['data']] fig.add_trace(fig2['data'][0], secondary_y=False, row=2, col=1) fig.add_trace(fig2['data'][1], secondary_y=True, row=2, col=1) fig.add_trace(fig3['data'][0], secondary_y=False, row=3, col=1) fig.add_trace(fig3['data'][1], secondary_y=True, row=3, col=1) [fig.add_trace(trace, secondary_y=False, row=4, col=1) for trace in fig4['data']] [fig.add_trace(trace, secondary_y=False, row=5, col=1) for trace in fig5['data']] renames = {'distance': ('Distance', 2.2), 'consumption': ('Consumption', 1.2), 'temp_degC': ('Temperature', 2), 'speed km/h': ('Average speed', 2), # 'from_23_to_8_at_any': ('Charge at night', 2), # 'immediate': ('Charge immediate', 1.5), # 'home': ('Home', 0.6), 'driving': ('Driving', 0.6), 'workplace': ('Workplace', 0.6), # 'errands': ('Errands', 0.6), 'leisure': ('Leisure', 0.6), 'shopping': ('Shopping', 0.6), } for trace in fig['data']: if trace['name'] in renames: name = trace['name'] trace['name'] = renames[name][0] trace['line']['width'] = renames[name][1] else: trace['line']['width'] = 0.6 fig["layout"].update({'yaxis': dict(title="Location", title_font=dict(color='black', # size=18, ), showgrid=False, zeroline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='#bdbdbd', tickformat="%", # tickfont={"size": 12}, ), 'yaxis3': dict(title='Distance (km)', title_font=dict(color='green', # size=18, ), showgrid=True, zeroline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='#bdbdbd', # tickfont={"size": 12}, ), 'yaxis4': dict(title='Consumption (kWh)', title_font=dict(color='pink' # size=18, ), showgrid=False, zeroline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='#bdbdbd', # tickfont={"size": 12}, ), 'yaxis5': dict(title='Temp (C)', title_font=dict(color='purple', # size=18, ), showgrid=True, zeroline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='#bdbdbd', zerolinecolor='black', # tickfont={"size": 12}, ), 'yaxis6': dict(title='Speed (km/h)', title_font=dict(color='#9c8830' # size=18, ), showgrid=False, zeroline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='#bdbdbd', # tickfont={"size": 12}, ), 'yaxis7': dict(title='Power rating (kW)', title_font=dict(color='black', # size=18, ), showgrid=True, zeroline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='#bdbdbd', # tickfont={"size": 12}, ), 'yaxis9': dict(title='SOC', title_font=dict(color='black', # size=18, ), showgrid=True, zeroline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='#bdbdbd', tickformat="%", # tickfont={"size": 12}, ), }) fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=True, zeroline=True, linecolor='black', gridcolor='#bdbdbd') fig.update_yaxes(rangemode='tozero') fig["layout"].update( { "paper_bgcolor": "white", "plot_bgcolor": "white", "margin": dict(l=10, r=10, t=20, b=10, pad=0), # 'width': 1300, 'height': 1200, 'showlegend': True } ) if to_html: if path is None: raise Exception("""when to_html is True then path must be given with .html extension""") else: fig.write_html(file=path) return fig