Source code for emobpy.mobility

Mobility class consists of creating individual driver time series that contains vehicle location
and distance travelled at every time step. The vehicle's locations are a group of common places
obtained from mobility data.

Our approach consists of using three probability distributions from which to extract relevant
features by samplings, such as the number of trips per day,  the destination, departure time,
trip distance and trip duration. Time steps and total time for every time series are parameters
that have to be provided in advance.

To reach consistent and feasible mobility patterns, a set of rules can also be provided,
for instance, establishing home as the destination of the last trip of the day.

Two different approaches have been developed—commuters and free-time drivers (non-commuters).
Commuters are drivers that go during the weekdays to the workplace.

An instance of a mobility class contains a driving profile and a time series of one driver.
The instance can be saved in a pickle file to access it later on and create other time series,
such as consumption time series, grid availability, and eventually the grid demand.

For more details see the article and cite:

.. code-block:: python

    author={Gaete-Morales, Carlos and Kramer, Hendrik and Schill, Wolf-Peter and Zerrahn, Alexander},
    title={An open tool for creating battery-electric vehicle time series from empirical data, emobpy},
    journal={Scientific Data},
    abstract={There is substantial research interest in how future fleets of battery-electric vehicles will interact with the power sector. Various types of energy models are used for respective analyses. They depend on meaningful input parameters, in particular time series of vehicle mobility, driving electricity consumption, grid availability, or grid electricity demand. As the availability of such data is highly limited, we introduce the open-source tool emobpy. Based on mobility statistics, physical properties of battery-electric vehicles, and other customizable assumptions, it derives time series data that can readily be used in a wide range of model applications. For an illustration, we create and characterize 200 vehicle profiles for Germany. Depending on the hour of the day, a fleet of one million vehicles has a median grid availability between 5 and 7 gigawatts, as vehicles are parking most of the time. Four exemplary grid electricity demand time series illustrate the smoothing effect of balanced charging strategies.},


from collections import Counter
import operator
import pickle
import uuid
import copy
import gzip
import os
import sys
import time
import logging
import yaml
import numba
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .constants import OPERATORS, WEEKS, TIME_FREQ, RULE
from .tools import check_for_new_function_name

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s:%(name)s:%(funcName)s:%(message)s")
log_filename = "emobpy.log"

file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_filename)


[docs]def cmp(arg1, string_operator, arg2): """ Perform comparison operation according to operator module. This function is used on meet_all_conditions(). Args: arg1 (object): First argument. string_operator ('<', '<=', '==', '!=', '>=', '>'): String operator which can be used. arg2 (object): Second Argument. Returns: bool: Result of comparison. """ ops = { "<":, "<=": operator.le, "==": operator.eq, "!=":, ">=":, ">":, } operation = ops.get(string_operator) return operation(arg1, arg2)
[docs]def bar_progress(current, total): """ Prints actual progress in format: "Progress: 80% [8 / 10] days". Args: current (int): Current day. total (int): Total number of days. """ progress_message = "Progress: %d%% [%d / %d] days" % ( current / total * 100, current, total, ) sys.stdout.write("\r" + progress_message) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True) def rand_choice_nb(arr, prob): """ Choose random sample from numpy array with a explicit probability. Args: arr (numpy.array): A 1D numpy array of values to sample from. prob (numpy.array): A 1D numpy array of probabilities for the given samples. Returns: int or float: A random sample from the given array with a given probability. """ return arr[np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(prob), np.random.rand(), side="right")]
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True) def distance_duration_sample(km_array_, duration_array_, km_dur_prob_array, km_sorted_, duration_sorted): """ #TODO DOCSTRING Randomly choose a distance duration based on distance and probability distribution. Args: km_array_ ([type]): [description] duration_array_ ([type]): [description] km_dur_prob_array ([type]): [description] km_sorted_ ([type]): [description] duration_sorted ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ km_array = (km_array_ * 1000).astype(np.int32) km_sorted = (km_sorted_ * 1000).astype(np.int32) duration_array = duration_array_.astype(np.int32) flag = 0 idxs = np.arange(km_array.shape[0]) idx = rand_choice_nb( idxs, prob=km_dur_prob_array ) # select a range of distances based on destinations and their probability distribution. km = km_array[idx] dur = duration_array[idx] km_sorted_idx = np.where(km_sorted == km)[0][0] dur_sorted_idx = np.where(duration_sorted == dur)[0][0] if km_sorted_idx == 0: km_before = km dur_before = dur flag = 1 else: if dur_sorted_idx == 0: km_before = km dur_before = dur flag = 1 else: km_before = km_sorted[km_sorted_idx - 1] dur_before = duration_sorted[dur_sorted_idx - 1] if flag: return km_before / 1000, dur_before amount = km - km_before + 1000 if amount < 2000: amount = 2 else: amount = np.int32(amount / 1000) kms_between = np.linspace(km_before, km, amount) same_prob = np.ones(kms_between.shape[0]) / amount km_new = rand_choice_nb(kms_between, prob=same_prob) dur_new = np.interp(km_new, [km_before, km], [dur_before, dur]) return km_new / 1000, dur_new
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True) def distances_collection(nr_trips, km_array, duration_array, km_dur_prob_array, km_sorted, duration_sorted, edge_dist=-1, edge_dur=-1, edge_nr=0, ): """ #TODO DOCSTRING Sample distances from nba - grams. Args: nr_trips ([type]): [description] km_array ([type]): [description] duration_array ([type]): [description] km_dur_prob_array ([type]): [description] km_sorted ([type]): [description] duration_sorted ([type]): [description] edge_dist (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to -1. edge_dur (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to -1. edge_nr (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0. Returns: [type]: [description] """ # while True: distances = np.empty(nr_trips, dtype=np.float64) durations = np.empty(nr_trips, dtype=np.float64) j = 0 if edge_dist != -1: for _ in range(edge_nr): distances[j] = edge_dist durations[j] = edge_dur j += 1 for i in range(j, nr_trips): distances[i], durations[i] = distance_duration_sample( km_array, duration_array, km_dur_prob_array, km_sorted, duration_sorted ) # TODO: # this must be improved, find another way to select distance for trips. # Bearing in mind that overall travelled distance in a day are consistent for each trip. # if distances.mean()*0.5 >= distances.max()-distances.min(): # distance consistency check # break return distances, durations
[docs]def days_week_sequence(reference_date, weeks): """ This determines the day of the week of the reference date and sets the day-sequence. It helps to differentiate the statistics from week working days to weekends. Args: reference_date (str): Reference date in form of '01/01/2020' weeks (dict): Contains tag, tag type and day code per day ID. Returns: list: List of day IDs (Integers) indicating the sequence of the week. """ df = pd.DataFrame({"ref_dates": [reference_date]}) df["ref_dates"] = pd.to_datetime(df["ref_dates"]) df["day_of_week"] = df["ref_dates"].dt.day_name() day_of_week = df["day_of_week"].values[0] for key, val in weeks.items(): if val["day"] == day_of_week: day_numb = key sequence = [k % 7 for k in range(day_numb, 7 + day_numb)] return sequence
[docs]def add_column_datetime(df, totalrows, reference_date, t): """ Useful to convert the time series from hours index to datetime index. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Table on which datetime column should be added. totalrows (int): Number of rows on which datetime column should be added. reference_date (str): Starting date for adding. E.g. '01/01/2020'. t (float): Float frequency, will be changed to string. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table with added datetime column. """ fr = {1: "H", 0.5: "30min", 0.25: "15min", 0.125: "450s"} freq = fr[t] start_date = pd.to_datetime(reference_date) drange = pd.date_range(start_date, periods=totalrows, freq=freq) df = pd.DataFrame(df.values, columns=df.columns, index=drange) df = df.rename_axis("date").copy() return df
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True) def make_list(x, factor): """ Make a list of integers representing a number x . Args: x (float): Number which is repeated in the list. factor (int): Len of the produced list. Returns: list: List which contains value x for factor times. """ return [x / factor for _ in range(int(factor))]
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True) def make_interval(x, factor, time_step): """ Make a new interval for the given factor. Args: x (float): Start value. factor (int): Number of repetition. time_step (float): Time step for each repetition. Returns: [type]: [description] """ y = x ret = [] for _ in range(int(factor)): ret.append(y) y += time_step return ret
[docs]def expand_table(df, factor, time_step): """ Expands a table (DataFrame) by a factor. The table can then be more granular. Args: df ([pd.DataFrame]): Table that is to be extended. factor (float): By how many times the table should be extended. time_step (float): The new time_step that should apply. Returns: [pd.DataFrame]: Table in an expanded format. """ df = df.set_index("days").copy() for j in df.columns.difference(["time"]): df.loc[:, j] = df[j].apply(make_list, factor=factor) df.loc[:, "time"] = df["time"].apply( make_interval, factor=factor, time_step=time_step ) dc_col = {} for col in df.columns: dc_col[col] = df[col].explode() new_df = pd.DataFrame(dc_col).reset_index() return new_df
[docs]@numba.njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True) def nb_isin(A, C): """ #TODO DOCSTRING Return nb in - place of nb in c . Args: A ([type]): [description] C ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ B = np.empty(A.shape[0], dtype=numba.boolean) s = set(C) for i in numba.prange(A.shape[0]): B[i] = A[i] in s return B
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True) def creation_unsorted_trips_nb( Rnd_week_trips, km_array, duration_array, km_dur_prob_array, km_sorted, duration_sorted, t, time_purpose_array, daycode, ): """ #TODO DOCSTRING It returns a unsorted time dataframe with trips. It includes number of trips, departure time, destination (purpose). Args: Rnd_week_trips ([type]): [description] km_array ([type]): [description] duration_array ([type]): [description] km_dur_prob_array ([type]): [description] km_sorted ([type]): [description] duration_sorted ([type]): [description] t ([type]): [description] time_purpose_array ([type]): [description] daycode ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ wdc = np.zeros((Rnd_week_trips, 7)) deltime = np.array([-1.0], dtype=np.float32) dists = distances_collection( Rnd_week_trips, km_array, duration_array, km_dur_prob_array, km_sorted, duration_sorted, ) for trip in range(Rnd_week_trips): time_purp_tuple = time_purpose_iter(time_purpose_array, daycode, deltime) timestep = np.ceil(dists[1][trip] / 60 / t) timestep_ = np.array(timestep, dtype=np.float32) times = time_purp_tuple[0] purp = time_purp_tuple[1] K = timestep_ * t arrival = np.add(times, K) wdc[trip, 0] = dists[1][trip] # trip_duration wdc[trip, 1] = dists[0][trip] # distance wdc[trip, 2] = timestep # timesteps wdc[trip, 3] = Rnd_week_trips # trips wdc[trip, 4] = times # departure wdc[trip, 5] = arrival # arrival wdc[trip, 6] = purp # purpose for i in range(timestep): deltime = np.append( deltime, time_purp_tuple[0] + i * t ) # adding to the lists the time and purpose of the current trip deltime = np.append(deltime, arrival) return wdc
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True) def create_tour_nb(unsortedtrips, previous_dest, lasttriparrival, t): """ #TODO DOCSTRING Create tour tuple . Args: unsortedtrips ([type]): [description] previous_dest ([type]): [description] lasttriparrival ([type]): [description] t ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ tour = np.zeros((unsortedtrips.shape[0], unsortedtrips.shape[1] + 4)) tour[:, :-4] = unsortedtrips state = previous_dest prev_triptime = lasttriparrival for i in range(tour.shape[0]): timestep = np.ceil(tour[i, 0] / 60 / t) timestep_ = np.array(timestep, dtype=np.float32) arrival = tour[i, 4] + timestep_ * t tour[i, 2] = timestep # 'timesteps' tour[i, 5] = arrival # 'arrival' tour[i, 7] = state # 'state' tour[i, 8] = prev_triptime # 'last_arrival' tour[i, 9] = tour[i, 4] - prev_triptime # 'duration' tour[i, 10] = tour[i, 6] == tour[i, 7] # 'equal' state = tour[i, 6] prev_triptime = tour[i, 5] return tour, state
[docs]@numba.jit(nopython=True) def time_purpose_iter(array_tp, daycode, deltime): """ #TODO DOCSTRING Return a random value for time purpose Args: array_tp ([type]): [description] daycode ([type]): [description] deltime ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ D = array_tp[array_tp[:, 0] == daycode].copy() H = D[~nb_isin(D[:, 1], deltime)] H[:, 3] = H[:, 3] / H[:, 3].sum() tuple_prob = H[:, 3] rng_list = np.arange(tuple_prob.shape[0]) rand = rand_choice_nb(rng_list, prob=tuple_prob) value = H[rand: rand + 1, 1:3] return value[0]
[docs]class Mobility: ''' To create a mobility time series, after creating the Mobility class instance call the methods in the following order: - self.set_params(param) - self.set_stats(stat_ntrip, stat_dest, stat_km) - self.set_rules(rules_key, rules_file) - - self.save_profile(destination_folder) Args: config_folder (string): Folder name where the configuration files are hosted. Configuration files names are specified when setting stats and rules. ''' def __init__(self, config_folder='config_files'): self.kind = "driving" self.config_dir = config_folder self.param_flag = False self.stats_flag = False self.rules_flag = False self.name_prefix = None self.refdate = None self.hours = None self.t = None self.user_defined = None self.df1 = None self.df2 = None self.df3 = None self.user_rules = None self.operators = None self.weeks = None self.numb_weeks = None self.sequence = None self.totalrows = None self.df2_t = None self.df2mod = None self.states = None self.uniquedays = None self.time_purp_array = None self.df4 = None self.km_array = None self.duration_array = None self.km_dur_prob_array = None self.km_sorted = None self.duration_sorted = None self.rules = None = None self.Rnd_week_trips = None self.flag = None self.cause = None self.flag1 = None = None self.weektype = None self.cut = None self.rules_ = None self.no_trip = None self.warningB = None self.causes = None self.rate = None self.flagiter = None self.tour = None self.start = None self.prev_dst = None self.repeats = None self.fixed = None self.copied = None self.same = None self.db = None self.timeseries = None self.idx = None self.mixed = None self.rp = None self.logdir = None self.logdf = None self.days = None self.prev_dest = None self.n_day = None self.total_days = None self.profile = None = None self.calc = None self.val = None self.final_time = None self.total_time = None self.description = None self.ratesteps = None self.counts = None self.countbefore = None self.rank = None def __getattr__(self, item): check_for_new_function_name(item) # if the return value is not callable, we get TypeError:
[docs] def set_params(self, name_prefix='', total_hours=168, time_step_in_hrs=0.5, category='user_defined', reference_date="01/01/2020", ): """ Defines the attributes given to the class objects. Args: name_prefix (str): It is an identifier that takes part of the file name. The user can freely choose it, e.g. 'worker'. Defaults to '' total_hours (int): Defaults 168 hrs (one week). Maximum value 8760. time_step_in_hrs (float): It is the time step in hours. Defaults to 0.5 . Options are 0.25, 0.5, 1. Recommennded values below 1. category (str): This is an identifier. A column in the time series will contain this string e.g. 'worker'. Defauts to 'user_defined'. reference_date (str, optional): With this date the time series will start. All consecutive time steps will follow this date, e.g. '01/01/2020'. Defaults to "01/01/2020". """ self.name_prefix = name_prefix self.refdate = reference_date self.hours = total_hours self.t = time_step_in_hrs self.user_defined = category self.param_flag = True
[docs] def set_stats(self, stat_ntrip_path, stat_dest_path, stat_km_duration_path): """ Name of files that contain the required probabilities to generate a mobility time series. They are three: DepartureDestinationTrip, DistanceDurationTrip, and TripsPerDay. The DepartureDestinationTrip file must contain a wide data format ( The first two columns are days and departure time in hours. The following columns represent the expected destinations where 'home' must be one of the destinations. At least 2 destinations (columns) should be included. As emobpy takes into account weekend days as well, the column days must contain 'weekdays', 'sunday' and 'saturday'. Suppose your data does not differentiate from these days. Repeat the probabilities in each of the three options. The DistanceDurationTrip file must contain a wide data format. The first column is distance in kilometers. The following columns are the duration of the trip in minutes. The tool determines the distance of trips and the duration. Then calculates the average velocity. Make sure that all possible combinations in your joint probabilities lead to consistent average velocities. The TripsPerDay file must contain a wide data format. The first column is 'trip' and represnts the number of trips per day. The column weekday and weekend contain the probability distribution. Bear in mind that zero trip per day represent not trips at all, two trips means a trip to some destination and then a retun trip. One trip is not possible, and considered a limitation of the tool, as the model needs to starts the following day from home again. Always set 1 trip with zero as probability value. Also the maximun number of trip per day is limited with the time steps selected. If the time step is one hour, then having a distribution with 8 trips per day could be challenging for the model, and it might hang off. Args: stat_ntrip_path (str): e.g. 'DepartureDestinationTrip.csv' stat_dest_path (str): e.g. 'DistanceDurationTrip.csv' stat_km_duration_path (str): 'TripsPerDay.csv Raises: Exception: Raised, if .set_params(args) is not called before. """ if self.param_flag: self.df1 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.config_dir, stat_ntrip_path)) self.df2 = ( pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.config_dir, stat_dest_path)).replace(0, np.nan) .dropna(axis=1, how="all") .replace(np.nan, 0) ) self.df3 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.config_dir, stat_km_duration_path)) self.stats_flag = True else:'.set_stats(args) must be called after ".set_params(args)"') raise Exception('.set_stats(args) must be called after ".set_params(args)"')
[docs] def set_rules(self, rule_key=None, rules_path="rules.yml"): """ A set of rules can be defined and provided in a YAML file. Several customized rules can be allocated in only one file. Hence, the rule_key points to the set of rules that wanted to be used in the current run. If no rule_key is provided, then the tool copy a rules dictionary with default values. If you want to know all the possibles rules to create your own rules file afterwards, type .initial_conf() and then .rules, e.g. Mobility.rules Args: rule_key (str, optional): e.g. 'user_defined'. Defaults to None. rules_path (str, optional): Path to rules file. Defaults to "rules.yml" in config_files folder. Raises: Exception: Raised if .setStats(args) is not called before. """ if self.stats_flag: if rule_key is None: self.user_rules = {}"set_rules: rules not provided, using default rules instead") else: with open(os.path.join(self.config_dir, rules_path)) as file: rule_dict = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) self.user_rules = rule_dict[rule_key] self._initial_conf() self.rules_flag = True else:'.set_rules(args) must be called after ".set_stats(args)"') raise Exception('.set_rules(args) must be called after ".set_stats(args)"')
def _initial_conf(self): """ Create initial configuration for the model. Raises: Exception: Raised if departure-purpose has different time intervals. Exception: Raised if time is not ranged between 0 and 23.99. Exception: Raised if original time interval can not be converted, because the quotient is not an integer. """ self.operators = OPERATORS self.weeks = WEEKS self.numb_weeks = int(self.hours / 7 / 24) + 1 self.sequence = days_week_sequence(self.refdate, self.weeks) self.totalrows = self.hours / self.t df2_t = self.df2.groupby("days")["time"].diff().dropna().unique() if len(df2_t) > 1: raise Exception( """stat_ntrip variable: departure-purpose table has different time intervals, make sure the time interval is unique (time interval is the difference between one row and the next one in the table)""" ) self.df2_t = df2_t[0] if self.df2["time"].max() >= 24.0: raise Exception( """replace 24 by 0 in time column of departure time - trip purpose probabilities, time should range between 0 and 23.99""" ) df2i = self.df2.copy() df2i.loc[df2i[df2i["time"] < 3.0].index, "time"] = ( df2i[df2i["time"] < 3.0]["time"] + 24.0 ) # this change enables to create day tours with returning time to "home" # at the most just before 3 am the next day. factor = self.df2_t / self.t if not factor.is_integer(): raise Exception( f"""Original time interval of departure-purpose table ({self.df2_t}) can not be converted to the model time_step ({self.t}) because the quotient is not an integer ({factor})""" ) time_step = self.t if factor > 1: df2i = expand_table(df2i, factor, time_step) df2ii = ( df2i.set_index(["days", "time"]) .stack() .reset_index() .rename(columns={"level_2": "purpose", 0: "value"}) ) self.df2mod = df2ii.copy() self.states = self.df2mod["purpose"].unique().tolist() self.uniquedays = self.df2mod["days"].unique().tolist() npdf2 = self.df2mod.copy() npdf2.loc[:, "days"] = npdf2["days"].apply(self.uniquedays.index) npdf2.loc[:, "purpose"] = npdf2["purpose"].apply(self.states.index) self.time_purp_array = npdf2.to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) self.df4 = ( self.df3.set_index("km") .stack() .reset_index(name="value") .rename(columns={"level_1": "min"}) ) self.km_array = self.df4["km"].values.astype(np.float64) self.duration_array = self.df4["min"].astype(np.float64).values self.km_dur_prob_array = self.df4["value"].values self.km_sorted = np.sort(np.unique(self.km_array)) self.duration_sorted = np.sort(np.unique(self.duration_array)) self.rules = RULE for week, dicts in self.user_rules.items(): for opt, stdict in dicts.items(): if isinstance(stdict, list): self.rules[week][opt] = stdict elif isinstance(stdict, int): self.rules[week][opt] = stdict else: for key, value in stdict.items(): self.rules[week][opt][key] = value = ( self.name_prefix + "_" + "W" + str(self.numb_weeks) + "_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[0:5] ) def _group_trips_week(self): """ This function samples a number of trip for a day (self.Rnd_week_trips). The purpose is to create a day tour. This value is obtained based on mobility statistics. """ T = self.df1.copy() idx_drop = T[T["trip"].isin(self.cut)].index.tolist() T.drop(idx_drop, axis=0, inplace=True) T.loc[:, self.weektype] = ( T[self.weektype] / T[self.weektype].sum() ) # once the trip quantity in "cut" is removed from the probability distribution, # normalization is implemented for the remaining trip quantities to add up 100% again. trips_list = T["trip"].values trips_prob = T[self.weektype].values self.Rnd_week_trips = rand_choice_nb( trips_list, prob=trips_prob ) # Numpy function, that takes into account a list of options (trips numb eg:0,1,or 3 ...) # and their corresponding probabilities to chose one option (eg: 2 trips for a day tour) def _meet_all_conditions(self): """ The rules here are tested to see if the tour created comply with the set of rules. """ self.flag = False self.cause = "" for condition, op in self.operators.items(): self.flag1 = False for state in self.states: if self.rules_[self.weektype][condition][ state ]: # for any condition in Rules when False, it continues to the next state if condition == "last_trip_to": if self.tour["purpose"].iloc[-1]: if cmp(self.tour["purpose"].iloc[-1], op, state): pass else: self.flag1 = True self.cause = "last_trip_to " + state break elif condition == "first_trip_to": if self.tour["purpose"].iloc[0]: if cmp(self.tour["purpose"].iloc[0], op, state): pass else: self.flag1 = True self.cause = "first_trip_to " + state break elif condition == "not_last_trip_to": if self.tour["purpose"].iloc[-1]: if cmp(self.tour["purpose"].iloc[-1], op, state): pass else: self.flag1 = True self.cause = "not_last_trip_to " + state break elif ( condition == "min_state_duration" or condition == "max_state_duration" ): if not self.tour[self.tour["state"] == state]["duration"].empty: dur_list = self.tour[self.tour["state"] == state][ "duration" ].values.tolist() for dur in dur_list: if cmp( dur, op, self.rules_[self.weektype][condition][state], ): pass else: self.flag1 = True self.cause = "min_or_max_state_duration " + state break else: if self.rules_[self.weektype]["at_least_one_trip"][state]: self.flag1 = True self.cause = "min_or_max_state_duration " + state break else: pass elif condition == "equal_state_and_destination": if ( not self.tour[self.tour["state"] == state]["purpose"] .str.contains(state, case=True, regex=True) .any() ): pass else: self.flag1 = True self.cause = "equal_state_and_destination " + state break elif ( condition == "overall_min_time_at" or condition == "overall_max_time_at" ): if self.tour[self.tour["state"] == state].empty: if self.rules_[self.weektype]["at_least_one_trip"][state]: self.flag1 = True self.cause = "overall_min_or_max_time_at " + state break else: pass elif ( self.tour[self.tour["state"] == state]["duration"].sum() != 0 ): if cmp( self.tour[self.tour["state"] == state][ "duration" ].sum(), op, self.rules_[self.weektype][condition][state], ): pass else: self.flag1 = True self.cause = "overall_min_or_max_time_at " + state break else: self.flag1 = True self.cause = "overall_min_or_max_time_at " + state break if self.flag1: self.flag = True break def _select_tour(self): """ This function samples the number of trips, the departure time, destination, distance for each trip, duration and tests the rules to generate a successful day tour. The tour is created based on the three probability distributions provided at the moment of calling the method .set_stats """ = self.weeks[self.n_day]["day_code"] self.weektype = self.weeks[self.n_day]["week"] self.cut = self.rules[self.weektype]["n_trip_out"][:] self._group_trips_week() if self.Rnd_week_trips != 0: self.rules_ = copy.deepcopy(self.rules) self.no_trip = False self.warningB = -1 self.causes = [] self.rate = {} self.flagiter = False while True: self.warningB += 1 unsortedtrips = creation_unsorted_trips_nb( self.Rnd_week_trips, self.km_array, self.duration_array, self.km_dur_prob_array, self.km_sorted, self.duration_sorted, np.array(self.t, dtype=np.float32), self.time_purp_array, self.uniquedays.index(, ) unsortedtrips = np.array(sorted(unsortedtrips, key=lambda x: x[5])) prev_dest_code = self.states.index(self.prev_dest) tour_array, state_code = create_tour_nb( unsortedtrips, prev_dest_code, self.start, np.array(self.t, dtype=np.float32), ) dftour = tour_array.astype(object) dftour[:, 6] = np.array([self.states[int(x)] for x in dftour[:, 6]]) dftour[:, 7] = np.array([self.states[int(x)] for x in dftour[:, 7]]) state = self.states[int(state_code)] self.tour = pd.DataFrame( dftour, columns=[ "trip_duration", "distance", "timesteps", "trips", "departure", "arrival", "purpose", "state", "last_arrival", "duration", "equal", ], ) self._meet_all_conditions() self._logging_meetcond() if self.flag: continue if self.flagiter:" Tour done: Day %d", self.days) break self.start = self.tour["arrival"].iloc[-1] - 24.0 self.prev_dst = copy.deepcopy(state) else: self.no_trip = True self.tour = False self.start -= 24 self.prev_dst = copy.deepcopy(self.prev_dest)"No trip day: %d", self.days) def _fill_rows(self): """ This function convert the tours to a time series data format and adding 'driving' between locations .. code-block:: Python departure state purpose distance trip_duration 1 8.0 home workplce 10 20 2 12.0 workplce errands 2 5 3 13.0 errands workplce 3 7 4 18.0 workplce Home 9 30 It is converted to this new data format: .. code-block:: Python hr state distance trip_duration 0 7.5 home 1 8.0 driving 2 8.5 workplace 3 9.0 workplace 4 9.5 workplace ... """ self.repeats = [ "hr", "state", "weekday", "category", "distance", "trip_duration", ] self.fixed = [] self.copied = ["departure", "last_arrival", "purpose", "duration"] self.calc = ["dayhrs"] self.same = [] self.db = self.profile.copy() self.db.loc[:, "dayhrs"] = self.db["hr"] % 24 self.timeseries = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.db.columns) self.timeseries.loc[:, "hh"] = np.arange(0, self.hours, self.t) self.idx = self.timeseries[ self.timeseries["hh"].isin(self.db["hr"].tolist()) ].index.tolist() self.mixed = self.repeats + self.fixed + self.copied for r in self.mixed: self.val = self.db[r].values.tolist() self.timeseries.loc[self.idx, r] = self.val self.timeseries.loc[self.totalrows - 1, "state"] = self.db["state"].iloc[-1] self.timeseries.loc[self.totalrows - 1, "hr"] = self.timeseries["hh"][ self.totalrows - 1 ] self.rp = self.timeseries[::-1].reset_index(drop=True) self.rp.loc[:, self.repeats] = self.rp[self.repeats].fillna(method="ffill") self.rp.loc[:, self.fixed] = self.rp[self.fixed].fillna(0) self.timeseries = self.rp[::-1].reset_index(drop=True) for sm in self.same: self.timeseries.loc[:, sm] = self.db[sm].values.tolist()[0] for cal in self.calc: self.timeseries.loc[:, cal] = self.timeseries["hh"].apply(lambda x: x % 24) self.timeseries = add_column_datetime( self.timeseries, self.totalrows, self.refdate, self.t ) self.timeseries.loc[:, "count"] = self.timeseries.groupby(["hr", "state"])[ "distance" ].transform("count") self.timeseries.loc[:, "distance"] = ( self.timeseries.loc[:, "distance"] / self.timeseries.loc[:, "count"] ) self.timeseries = self.timeseries[["hh","state", "distance"]] # TODO: delete all unnecessary attributes def _clean(self, keep_attr=None): """ Deletes all attributes that were not declared in keep_attr. Args: keep_attr (list, optional): List of strings containing attributes to be kept. Default is a list of attributes. """ to_rem = list(self.__dict__.keys())[:] if keep_attr is None: keep_attr = [ "kind", "name_prefix", "refdate", "hours", "t", "user_defined", "df1", "df2", "df3", "user_rules", "states", "numb_weeks", "totalrows", "name", "profile", "timeseries", ] for r in keep_attr: if r in to_rem: to_rem.remove(r) for attr in to_rem: self.__dict__.pop(attr, None) del to_rem
[docs] def run(self): """ This function returns a driving profile. No input possible. Returns nothing. Once it finishes the following attributes can be called: - kind - name_prefix - refdate - hours - t - user_defined - df1 - df2 - df3 - user_rules - states - numb_weeks - totalrows - name - profile - timeseries """ if self.rules_flag: pass else:'.run() must be called after ".setRules(args)"') raise Exception('.run() must be called after ".setRules(args)"') initial_time = time.time() print("New profile running: " +"###################################################")"===================================================")"New profile running: %s","===================================================")"###################################################") self.logdir = os.path.join("log", self.logdf = pd.DataFrame() self.start = -3 self.flag = True self.days = -1 self.prev_dest = "home" # it is the first state at the beginning of the profile self.total_days = int(self.hours / 24) self.profile = pd.DataFrame() endflag = False lastflag = False for _ in range(self.numb_weeks): for n_day in self.sequence: self.n_day = n_day self.days += 1 if self.days <= self.total_days: bar_progress(self.days, self.total_days) self._select_tour() self.prev_dest = copy.deepcopy(self.prev_dst) if not self.no_trip: for _, row in self.tour.iterrows(): = row["departure"] + self.days * 24.0 - self.t if == self.hours - self.t: self.profile.loc[, "hr"] = self.profile.loc[, "state"] = row["state"] self.profile.loc[, "departure"] = row["departure"] self.profile.loc[, "arrival"] = row["arrival"] self.profile.loc[, "last_arrival"] = row[ "last_arrival" ] self.profile.loc[, "purpose"] = row["purpose"] self.profile.loc[, "duration"] = row["duration"] self.profile.loc[, "weekday"] = self.weeks[ self.n_day ]["day"] self.profile.loc[, "category"] = self.user_defined self.profile.loc[, "distance"] = 0 self.profile.loc[, "trip_duration"] = 0 endflag = True break elif > self.hours - self.t: endflag = True break elif < self.hours - self.t: self.profile.loc[, "hr"] = self.profile.loc[, "state"] = row["state"] self.profile.loc[, "departure"] = row["departure"] self.profile.loc[, "arrival"] = row["arrival"] self.profile.loc[, "last_arrival"] = row[ "last_arrival" ] self.profile.loc[, "purpose"] = row["purpose"] self.profile.loc[, "duration"] = row["duration"] self.profile.loc[, "weekday"] = self.weeks[ self.n_day ]["day"] self.profile.loc[, "category"] = self.user_defined self.profile.loc[, "distance"] = 0 self.profile.loc[, "trip_duration"] = 0 # add driving in next row self.profile.loc[ + row["timesteps"] * self.t, "hr" ] = ( + row["timesteps"] * self.t) self.profile.loc[ + row["timesteps"] * self.t, "state" ] = "driving" self.profile.loc[ + row["timesteps"] * self.t, "distance" ] = row["distance"] self.profile.loc[ + row["timesteps"] * self.t, "trip_duration" ] = row["trip_duration"] if endflag: lastflag = True break if lastflag: break print("") if not self.profile.empty: if self.profile["hr"].iloc[-1] < self.hours - self.t: self.profile.loc[self.hours - self.t, "hr"] = self.hours - self.t self.profile.loc[self.hours - self.t, "state"] = self.prev_dest self.profile.loc[self.hours - self.t, "distance"] = 0 self.profile.loc[self.hours - self.t, "trip_duration"] = 0 elif self.profile["state"].iloc[-1] == "driving": self.profile.loc[self.hours - self.t, "hr"] = self.hours - self.t self.profile.loc[self.hours - self.t, "state"] = self.profile[ "state" ].iloc[-2] self.profile.loc[self.hours - self.t, "distance"] = 0 self.profile.loc[self.hours - self.t, "trip_duration"] = 0 self._fill_rows() self._clean() else: """ Empty profile. Running again... This occurs either high probabilities of zero trips per day or/and few hours time series (couple of days)""" ) self._clean( [ "kind", "name_prefix", "refdate", "hours", "t", "user_defined", "df1", "df2", "df3", "user_rules", "states", "numb_weeks", "totalrows", "name", ] ) final_time = time.time() self.total_time = round((final_time - initial_time) / 60, 2) print("Profile done: " +"Profile done: %s", print("Elapsed time (min): " + str(self.total_time))"%s Elapsed time (min): %d",, self.total_time)
[docs] def save_profile(self, folder, description=" "): """ Saves a profile from the current object as a pickle file. Args: folder (str): Where the files will be stored. Folder is created in case it does not exist. description (str, optional): Profile description. Defaults to " ". """ self.description = description info = self.__dict__ os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(folder, + ".pickle") with, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(info, file) del info print("=== profile saved: " + filepath)"=== profile saved: %s", filepath)
def _logging_meetcond(self): """ #TODO DOCSTRING: Find out what is happening here """ if self.cause != "": self.causes.append(self.cause) if self.flag: self.ratesteps = 10 if self.warningB % self.ratesteps == 0: self.counts = Counter(self.causes) if self.warningB == 0: pass elif self.warningB == self.ratesteps: self.countbefore = self.counts else: for k, v in self.counts.items(): if k in list(self.countbefore.keys()): self.rate[k] = (v - self.countbefore[k]) / self.ratesteps else: self.rate[k] = v / self.ratesteps self.countbefore = self.counts self.rate["days"] = self.days self.rate["trips"] = self.Rnd_week_trips self.rate["iter"] = self.warningB os.makedirs(self.logdir, exist_ok=True) self.logdf = self.logdf.append( [self.rate], sort=False, ignore_index=True ) sortedcol = ["days", "trips", "iter"] cols = sortedcol + [ col for col in self.logdf if col not in sortedcol ] self.logdf = self.logdf[cols] self.logdf.to_csv(os.path.join(self.logdir, "log.csv"), index=False) if ( self.warningB >= 10 * self.ratesteps and self.warningB % 200 == 10 * self.ratesteps ): if not self.flagiter: self.flagiter = True " Day %d 'select_tour' method in loop Nr. %d. See log file %s", self.days, self.warningB,, ) self.rank = self.logdf[ self.logdf["days"] == self.logdf["days"].iloc[-1] ][-3:][ [ x for x in self.logdf.columns if x not in ["days", "trips", "iter"] ] ].mean() log_list = [ " " + x + " uncompliance rate (last 30 iter)" for x in self.rank.nlargest(2).round(2).to_string().split("\n") ] for str_log in log_list: if self.warningB > 2000: df_strings = self.tour.to_string().replace("\n", "\n\t")" Unsuccessful tour sample:\n\n\t %s\n", df_strings)