Source code for emobpy.init

import filecmp
import json
import glob
import os
import shutil
import pandas as pd

from .constants import (

def _find_files_oswalk(root, templates_search_dir, search=None):
    Finds all files via os.walk.

        root (str): Root path.
        templates_search_dir (str): Dictionary of the templates.
        search ([type], optional): Search index. Defaults to None.

        file, root, section, basefile, exists
    for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(root, templates_search_dir, "**/*.*"), recursive=True):
        exists = False
        section = ""
        basefile = os.path.basename(file)
        inbetween = file[len(root) + 1: -len(basefile) - 1].split(os.sep)
        newsection = inbetween[:]
        if search is not None:
            if search in inbetween:
                exists = True
            if templates_search_dir in inbetween:
        if newsection:
            section = os.path.join(*newsection)
        yield file, root, section, basefile, exists

def _overwrite_sys_files_in_user_data_dir(location=None):
    Overwrites existing sys files in user data directory, with new ones. This is necessary if those files are changing
    in future emobpy update.
        location (str, optional): Location to which files should be copied. Defaults to None.
    user_dir = location or USER_PATH or DEFAULT_DATA_DIR + "/"
    sys_files = user_dir + "sys_files"

    # Create folders if they do not exist
    os.makedirs(user_dir, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(user_dir + "/user_files", exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(user_dir + "/sys_files", exist_ok=True)

    # Copy files to sys_files
    pkg_data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(MODULE_DATA_PATH, "*.*"))
    for file in pkg_data_files:
        basefile = os.path.basename(file)
        # todo do not change names
        if basefile in WEATHER_FILES.keys():
            rest = file.rsplit(MODULE_DATA_PATH)[-1][1:]
            destpath = os.path.join(sys_files, rest.rsplit(basefile)[0][:-1], WEATHER_FILES[basefile])
            rest = file.rsplit(MODULE_DATA_PATH)[-1][1:]
            destpath = os.path.join(sys_files, rest)

        # Check if file has been updated and only copy if so
            file_identical = filecmp.cmp(file, destpath)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            file_identical = False
        if not file_identical:
            print(f"New or updated sysfile found and copied to: \n \t {destpath}")
            shutil.copyfile(file, destpath)

def _merge_user_files_with_sys_files(filenames=[], location=None):
    Merges user generated files with sys files to make both available for emobpy.

        filenames (list, optional): Specify which files should be merged. Defaults to [].
        location (string, optional): Path to sys data. Defaults to None.

        Exception: Raises exepction if data type is not known and could not be merged.
    user_dir = location or USER_PATH or DEFAULT_DATA_DIR + '/'

    # Delete all files but keep the folders if they exist
    for file in os.listdir(user_dir):
        if os.path.isfile(user_dir + file):
            os.remove(os.path.join(user_dir, file))

    # Loop all files in user_files folder
    for user_file in os.listdir(user_dir + "user_files"):

        # Merge files depending on type
        if not filenames or user_file in filenames:

            # Handle json files
            if user_file.split(".")[-1].lower() == "json":
                def get_keys_for_lowest_dict_layer(data_dict):
                    key_lists = []

                    def inner_help_func(dict_obj, key_list=[], last_call=False):
                        for key, value in dict_obj.items():
                            if isinstance(value, dict):
                                new_key_list = key_list + [key]
                                inner_help_func(value, new_key_list)
                                new_key_list = key_list + [key]

                    return key_lists

                def nested_dict_get(data_dict, key_list):
                    for key in key_list:
                        data_dict = data_dict[key]
                    return data_dict

                def nested_dict_set(data_dict, key_list, value):
                    for key in key_list[:-1]:
                        data_dict = data_dict.setdefault(key, {})
                    data_dict[key_list[-1]] = value

                # Load files
                with open(user_dir + 'user_files/' + user_file) as f:
                    user_data = json.load(f)
                with open(user_dir + 'sys_files/' + user_file) as f:
                    sys_data = json.load(f)

                # Merge dicts
                key_lists = get_keys_for_lowest_dict_layer(user_data)
                for key_list in key_lists:
                    value = nested_dict_get(user_data, key_list)
                    nested_dict_set(sys_data, key_list, value)

                # Save to main folder
                with open(user_dir + user_file, 'w') as f:
                    json.dump(sys_data, f, indent=4)

            elif user_file in WEATHER_FILES.values():

                shutil.copyfile(user_dir + 'user_files/' + user_file, user_dir + user_file)

            elif user_file in ["md5sums.txt", "urls.txt"]:

            # If file could not be handled raise error
                raise Exception("Can not handle user_file, because data type is unknown. ")

    # Copy all files which are not changed
    for sys_file in os.listdir(user_dir + "/sys_files"):
        if sys_file not in os.listdir(user_dir):
            shutil.copy(user_dir + "/sys_files/" + sys_file, user_dir)

[docs]def copy_to_user_data_dir(): """ This function combines the generation of user data directory and marges the user-defined data This usually runs when we create a project folder from command line. If we install emobpy and do not run the funtion create_project then it is likely that 'emobpy user data folder' has not been created and an error will ocour when using Consumption class. Check out the folder in # linux: ~/.local/share/emobpy # Windows: C:/Users/<USER>/AppData/Roaming/emobpy if embopy user data folder does not exist then run this function: ``from emobpy.init import copy_to_user_data_dir; copy_to_user_data_dir()`` """ _overwrite_sys_files_in_user_data_dir() _merge_user_files_with_sys_files()
[docs]def create_project(project_name, template): """ Creates project based on selected template and copies these files. Args: project_name (str): Chosen project name. template (str): Chosen template. Raises: Exception: Template arguments not valid. Exception: Chosen folder does not exist. """ template_check = ["base", "eg1", "eg2", "eg3"] if template in template_check: pass else: raise Exception( f"--template argument '{template}' not in {' '.join(template_check)}" ) template_dir_path = os.path.join(MODULE_DATA_PATH, template) if not os.path.exists(template_dir_path): msg = "from emobpy.init import copy_to_user_data_dir; copy_to_user_data_dir()" raise Exception( f"Directory '{template_dir_path}' does not exist. Make sure you call copy_to_user_data_dir function first\n'{msg}'" ) print(f"Copy files from {template_dir_path}") for file, _, section, basefile, _ in _find_files_oswalk(template_dir_path, ""): destination_file_abspath = os.path.join(CWD, project_name, section, basefile) os.makedirs(os.path.split(destination_file_abspath)[0], exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(file, destination_file_abspath) print(f" {destination_file_abspath}") print("Done!")