Source code for emobpy.charging

While a grid availability time series contains at each interval information of the charging stations available, 
such as the maximum power rating allocated to them, a grid electricity demand time series is the one that indicates 
the actual consumption of electricity from the grid to charge the battery of a vehicle according to its driving needs 
and grid availability. There are different options available to create a grid electricity demand time series. For example, 
"Immediate-Full capacity" is an option that informs the energy drawn from the grid at a maximum power rating of a respective 
charging station until the battery is fully charged or "Immediate-Balanced" option that creates a time series taking into account 
the duration of a vehicle is connected to a charging station and the energy required to get the battery fully charged, allowing to 
charge the battery at a lower capacity than the maximum capacity available.

For more details see the article and cite:

.. code-block:: python

    author={Gaete-Morales, Carlos and Kramer, Hendrik and Schill, Wolf-Peter and Zerrahn, Alexander},
    title={An open tool for creating battery-electric vehicle time series from empirical data, emobpy},
    journal={Scientific Data}, year={2021}, month={Jun}, day={11}, volume={8}, number={1}, pages={152},
    issn={2052-4463}, doi={10.1038/s41597-021-00932-9}, url={}}

See also the examples in the documentation


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import uuid
import os
import pickle
import gzip
from numba import jit
from .tools import check_for_new_function_name

[docs]def represents_int(s): """ Check if argument is an int value. Args: s (any type): Value to check. Returns: bool: True if the argument is an int value. """ try: int(s) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def is_between(t, time_range): """ Checks if given value is between given time_range. Args: t (float): Value to check. time_range (list): Time range list. E.g. [1,100]. Returns: bool: Value if t is between time_range. """ if time_range[1] < time_range[0]: return t >= time_range[0] or t <= time_range[1] return time_range[0] <= t <= time_range[1]
[docs]def add_column_datetime(df, totalrows, reference_date, t): """ Useful to convert the time series from hours index to datetime index. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Table on which datetime column should be added. totalrows (int): Number of rows on which datetime column should be added. reference_date (str): Starting date for adding. E.g. '01/01/2020'. t (float): Float frequency, will be changed to string. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table with added datetime column. """ fr = {1: 'H', 0.5: '30min', 0.25: '15min', 0.125: '450s'} freq = fr[t] start_date = pd.to_datetime(reference_date) drange = pd.date_range(start_date, periods=totalrows, freq=freq) df = pd.DataFrame(df.values, columns=df.columns, index=drange) df = df.rename_axis('date').copy() return df
[docs]class Charging: """ Args: self.__init__(input) input: string. File name of the input profile (not the path). The input should be in this case a grid availability profile name. Methods in the following order: - self.loadScenario(DataBase) - self.setSubScenario(option) - - self.save_profile(folder, description=' ') """ def __init__(self, inpt): self.kind = 'charging' self.input = inpt self.change_battery_cap = False # in case the battery capacity has been changed and then it differs from # availability profile self.pointmissing = False # in case of sub scenario A2BatpPoint is selected self.success = False def __getattr__(self, item): check_for_new_function_name(item) # if the return value is not callable, we get TypeError:
[docs] def load_scenario(self, database): """ Loads scenario data from given database into object. Args: database (DataBase()): E.g. manager = DataBase(). "manager" is a class instance that contains the profiles. Raises: ValueError: Raised if charging profile can not be found in the database. """ if database.db[self.input]: if database.db[self.input]['kind'] == 'availability': self.profile = database.db[self.input]['profile'].copy() self.capacity_charging_point = database.db[self.input]['chargingdata']['capacity_charging_point'] self.points = list(self.capacity_charging_point.keys()) self.states = list(set(self.profile.loc[:, 'state'])) self.battery_capacity = database.db[self.input]['battery_capacity'] self.charging_eff = database.db[self.input]['charging_eff'] self.soc_init = database.db[self.input]['soc_init'] self.soc_min = database.db[self.input]['soc_min'] self.t = database.db[self.input]['t'] self.totalrows = database.db[self.input]['totalrows'] self.refdate = database.db[self.input]['refdate'] else: raise ValueError( 'The charging availability profile {} can not be found in the database'.format(self.input)) else: raise ValueError('The charging availability profile {} can not be found in the database'.format(self.input))
[docs] def set_sub_scenario(self, option): """ Sets sub scenario in self.option. Args: option (str): 'immediate', 'balanced' or 'from_22_to_6_at_home'. """ self.option = option
[docs] def run(self): """ No input required. Once it finishes the following attributes can be called. Attributes: - kind - input - change_battery_cap - pointmissing - success - option - profile - timeseries - name """ = self.input + '_' + self.option + '_' + uuid.uuid4().hex[0:5] # print(, ' -> ', self.input) if self.option == 'immediate': self.point = 'driving' try: self.pointcode = self.states.index(self.point) except ValueError: self.pointmissing = True self.success = False print('"{}" is not in "{}". Availability profile: {}'.format(self.point, ' - '.join(self.states), self.input)) self._clean() return None self.numpy_array3 = self.profile[['state']].values.T self.arraystringstate = self.numpy_array3[0] self.arraycodestate = np.array([self.states.index(s) for s in self.arraystringstate]) self.numpy_array2 = self.profile[['consumption', 'charging_cap']].values.T self.results = self._immediate(self.pointcode, self.charging_eff, self.battery_capacity, self.soc_init, self.arraycodestate, *self.numpy_array2, self.t) self.profile.loc[:, 'actual_soc'] = self.results[0] self.profile.loc[:, 'charge_battery'] = self.results[1] self.profile.loc[:, 'charge_grid'] = self.results[2] elif self.option == 'balanced': self.point = 'driving' try: self.pointcode = self.states.index(self.point) except ValueError: self.pointmissing = True self.success = False print('"{}" is not in "{}". Availability profile: {}'.format(self.point, ' - '.join(self.states), self.input)) self._clean() return None self.numpy_array3 = self.profile[['state', 'consumption', 'charging_cap']].values.T self.arraystringstate = self.numpy_array3[0] self.arraycodestate = np.array([self.states.index(s) for s in self.arraystringstate]) self.arrayconsumption = self.numpy_array3[1].astype(np.float64) self.arraychargingcap = self.numpy_array3[2].astype(np.float64) self.results = self._balanced(self.pointcode, self.charging_eff, self.battery_capacity, self.soc_init, self.arraycodestate, self.arrayconsumption, self.arraychargingcap, self.t) self.profile.loc[:, 'actual_soc'] = self.results[0] self.profile.loc[:, 'charge_battery'] = self.results[1] self.profile.loc[:, 'charge_grid'] = self.results[2] elif set(['from', 'to', 'at']).issubset(self.option.split('_')): # eg. 'from_22_to_6_at_home' self.op_list = [int(s) if represents_int(s) else s for s in self.option.split('_')] self.from_ = self.op_list[1] self.to_ = self.op_list[3] self.point = self.op_list[5] self.numpy_array4 = self.profile[['state', 'consumption', 'charging_cap', 'hh']].values.T self.arraystringstate = self.numpy_array4[0] self.arraycodestate = np.array([self.states.index(s) for s in self.arraystringstate]) try: self.drivingcode = self.states.index('driving') if self.point == 'any': self.pointcode = -1 else: self.pointcode = self.states.index(self.point) except ValueError: self.pointmissing = True self.success = False print('Charging point "{}" is not in "{}". Availability profile: {}'.format(self.point, ' - '.join(self.states), self.input)) self._clean() return None self.arrayconsumption = self.numpy_array4[1].astype(np.float64) self.arraychargingcap = self.numpy_array4[2].astype(np.float64) self.hh = self.numpy_array4[3].astype(np.float64) self.results = self._A2BatPoint(self.from_, self.to_, self.pointcode, self.drivingcode, self.charging_eff, self.battery_capacity, self.soc_init, self.arraycodestate, self.arrayconsumption, self.arraychargingcap, self.hh, self.t) self.profile.loc[:, 'actual_soc'] = self.results[0] self.profile.loc[:, 'charge_battery'] = self.results[1] self.profile.loc[:, 'charge_grid'] = self.results[2] self.profile.loc[:, 'omit'] = self.results[3] else: raise ValueError('Select a valid option') self._check_success() self.timeseries = add_column_datetime(self.profile.copy(), self.totalrows, self.refdate, self.t) self.timeseries = self.timeseries[["hh","state","distance","consumption","charging_point","charging_cap","actual_soc","charge_battery","charge_grid"]] if not self.success: += '_FAIL' self._clean() print('Profile done: ' + return None
@staticmethod @jit(nopython=True) def _immediate(driving_code, charging_eff, battery_capacity, soc_init, state, consumption, charging_cap, t): """ #TODO DOCSTRING Args: driving_code ([type]): [description] charging_eff ([type]): [description] battery_capacity ([type]): [description] soc_init ([type]): [description] state ([type]): [description] consumption ([type]): [description] charging_cap ([type]): [description] t ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ soc = np.empty(consumption.shape) battery = np.empty(consumption.shape) grid = np.empty(consumption.shape) rows = soc.shape[0] for i in range(rows): if i == 0: zero = soc_init current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc[i] = 1 battery[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity) / t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t else: soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff) / t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t) / t else: zero = soc[i - 1] if state[i] == driving_code: if zero == 1: current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = 0 grid[i] = 0 else: current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc[i] = 1 battery[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity) / t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t else: soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff) / t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t) / t # I did not want to cancel t, just for code consistency else: current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc[i] = 1 battery[i] = (charging_cap[i]*t*charging_eff - (current_soc-1)*battery_capacity)/t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t else: soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = (charging_cap[i]*t*charging_eff)/t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t) / t return [soc, battery, grid] @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True) def _balanced(driving_code, charging_eff, battery_capacity, soc_init, state, consumption, charging_cap, t): """ #TODO DOCSTRING Args: driving_code ([type]): [description] charging_eff ([type]): [description] battery_capacity ([type]): [description] soc_init ([type]): [description] state ([type]): [description] consumption ([type]): [description] charging_cap ([type]): [description] t ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ soc = np.empty(consumption.shape) battery = np.empty(consumption.shape) grid = np.empty(consumption.shape) soc_ahead = np.empty(consumption.shape) rows = soc.shape[0] i = 0 while i < rows: if i == 0: zero = soc_init else: zero = soc[i - 1] if state[i] == driving_code: if zero == 1: current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = 0 grid[i] = 0 else: current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc[i] = 1 battery[i] = (charging_cap[i]*t*charging_eff - (current_soc-1)*battery_capacity)/t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t else: soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = (charging_cap[i]*t*charging_eff)/t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t) / t # I did not want to cancel t, just for code consistency else: if charging_cap[i] * t > 0: j = i cero = zero while state[j] == state[i]: current_soc = cero - consumption[j] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ j] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc_ahead[j] = 1 else: soc_ahead[j] = current_soc j += 1 cero = current_soc k = j - i # length in the same state, this will help to jump the queue if np.any(soc_ahead[i:j] == 1): soc_diff = 1 - zero delta_charging = soc_diff * battery_capacity / charging_eff / k cero = zero for m in range(i, j): current_soc = cero - consumption[ m] / battery_capacity + delta_charging * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc[m] = 1 battery[m] = (delta_charging*charging_eff - (current_soc-1)*battery_capacity)/t grid[m] = (delta_charging - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t else: soc[m] = current_soc battery[m] = (delta_charging*charging_eff)/t grid[m] = delta_charging / t cero = current_soc i = m else: cero = zero for m in range(i, j): current_soc = cero - consumption[m] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ m] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc[m] = 1 battery[m] = (charging_cap[m]*t*charging_eff - (current_soc-1)*battery_capacity)/t grid[m] = (charging_cap[m] * t - ( current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t else: soc[m] = current_soc battery[m] = (charging_cap[m]*t*charging_eff)/t grid[m] = (charging_cap[m] * t) / t cero = current_soc i = m else: # if charging capacity is zero current_soc = zero soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = 0 grid[i] = 0 i += 1 return [soc, battery, grid] @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True) def _A2BatPoint(from_, to_, point, driving_code, charging_eff, battery_capacity, soc_init, state, consumption, charging_cap, hr, t): """ #TODO DOCSTRING Args: from_ ([type]): [description] to_ ([type]): [description] point ([type]): [description] driving_code ([type]): [description] charging_eff ([type]): [description] battery_capacity ([type]): [description] soc_init ([type]): [description] state ([type]): [description] consumption ([type]): [description] charging_cap ([type]): [description] hr ([type]): [description] t ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ debug = False ante = 0 count = 0 if debug: print('driving:', driving_code) print('point:', point) soc = np.empty(consumption.shape) battery = np.empty(consumption.shape) grid = np.empty(consumption.shape) soc_ahead = np.empty(consumption.shape) preferenceignore = np.zeros(consumption.shape) rows = soc.shape[0] i = 0 while i < rows: # code 1 # start with a little code for avoid endless loop if ante == i: count += 1 else: count = 0 if count == 10: print('The simulation has reached an endless loop') raise ante = i # end little code # now starts function if i == 0: zero = soc_init else: zero = soc[i - 1] if (state[i] == point) | (preferenceignore[i] == 1) | (state[i] == driving_code) | (point == -1): if debug: print(i, 'A', state[i], zero, 'pref', preferenceignore[i]) if (is_between(np.mod(hr[i], 24), (from_, to_))) | (preferenceignore[i] == 1) | ( state[i] == driving_code): if debug: print(' AA') if state[i] == driving_code: if debug: print(' driving') # if zero == 1: # current_soc = zero - consumption[i]/battery_capacity # soc[i] = current_soc # battery[i] = 0 # grid[i] = 0 # else: current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc[i] = 1 battery[i] = (charging_cap[i]*t*charging_eff - (current_soc-1)*battery_capacity)/t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t else: soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = (charging_cap[i]*t*charging_eff)/t grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t) / t # I did not want to cancel t, just for code consistency else: if debug: print(' NO driving') if zero < 0: if debug: print(' yes negative') n = i - 1 gap = (zero - 0.05) * battery_capacity while gap < 1.5: # 1.5 kWh n -= 1 if state[n] == driving_code: gap = gap - consumption[n] + charging_cap[n] * t * charging_eff * 0.5 else: gap = gap - consumption[n] + charging_cap[n] * t * charging_eff if n < 1: print( 'The simulation has reached the starting step. Change options to a more ' 'flexible one') break if debug: print(n, gap) p = n while state[p] == state[n]: # code 4 p -= 1 if p < 0: break # p=-1 if debug: print('p', p, 'i', i, 'socp', soc[p]) for idx in range(p + 1, i): preferenceignore[idx] = 1 i = p + 1 continue else: j = i cero = zero while state[j] == state[i]: # code 2 current_soc = cero - consumption[j] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ j] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc_ahead[j] = 1 else: soc_ahead[j] = current_soc j += 1 cero = current_soc k = j - i # length in the same state, this will help to jump the queue if np.any(soc_ahead[i:j] == 1): if debug: print(' ANY in state: soc of 1') soc_diff = 1 - zero delta_charging = soc_diff * battery_capacity / charging_eff / k cero = zero for m in range(i, j): current_soc = cero - consumption[ m] / battery_capacity + delta_charging * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc[m] = 1 battery[m] = (delta_charging * charging_eff - ( current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity) / t grid[m] = (delta_charging - ( current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t else: soc[m] = current_soc battery[m] = (delta_charging*charging_eff)/t grid[m] = delta_charging / t cero = current_soc i = m else: if debug: print(' NO in state: soc of 1') cero = zero for m in range(i, j): current_soc = cero - consumption[m] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ m] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity if current_soc > 1: soc[m] = 1 battery[m] = (charging_cap[m]*t*charging_eff - (current_soc-1)*battery_capacity)/t grid[m] = (charging_cap[m] * t - ( current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t else: soc[m] = current_soc battery[m] = (charging_cap[m]*t*charging_eff)/t grid[m] = (charging_cap[m] * t) / t cero = current_soc i = m else: if debug: print('AB') current_soc = zero soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = 0 grid[i] = 0 else: if debug: print(i, 'B', state[i], zero, 'pref', preferenceignore[i]) current_soc = zero soc[i] = current_soc battery[i] = 0 grid[i] = 0 i += 1 return [soc, battery, grid, preferenceignore] # @staticmethod # @jit(nopython=True) # def A2BatPoint_old(from_, to_, point, driving_code, charging_eff, battery_capacity, soc_init, state, consumption, # charging_cap, hr, t): # """ # # # Args: # from_ ([type]): [description] # to_ ([type]): [description] # point ([type]): [description] # driving_code ([type]): [description] # charging_eff ([type]): [description] # battery_capacity ([type]): [description] # soc_init ([type]): [description] # state ([type]): [description] # consumption ([type]): [description] # charging_cap ([type]): [description] # hr ([type]): [description] # t ([type]): [description] # # Returns: # [type]: [description] # """ # print(point) # print(driving_code) # soc = np.empty(consumption.shape) # battery = np.empty(consumption.shape) # grid = np.empty(consumption.shape) # soc_ahead = np.empty(consumption.shape) # preferenceignore = np.zeros(consumption.shape) # rows = soc.shape[0] # i = 0 # while i < rows: # code 1 # if i == 0: # zero = soc_init # else: # zero = soc[i - 1] # if state[i] == driving_code: # print(i, 'd', zero, preferenceignore[i]) # if zero == 1: # current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity # soc[i] = current_soc # battery[i] = 0 # grid[i] = 0 # else: # current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ # i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity # if current_soc > 1: # soc[i] = 1 # battery[i] = charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity # grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t # else: # soc[i] = current_soc # battery[i] = charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff # grid[i] = (charging_cap[i] * t) / t # I did not want to cancel t, just for code consistency # elif (state[i] == point) | (preferenceignore[i] == 1) | (point == -1): # print(i, state[i], zero, preferenceignore[i]) # if (is_between(np.mod(hr[i], 24), (from_, to_))) | (preferenceignore[i] == 1): # j = i # cero = zero # negative = False # while state[j] == state[i]: # code 2 # current_soc = cero - consumption[j] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ # j] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity # if current_soc <= 0: # negative = i # index when negative while driving # if current_soc > 1: # soc_ahead[j] = 1 # else: # soc_ahead[j] = current_soc # j += 1 # cero = current_soc # if negative: # cap = 0.01 + zero - current_soc # n = i # imagsoc = 0 # while cap > imagsoc: # code 3 # n -= 1 # imagsoc += charging_cap[n] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity # cap += consumption[n] / battery_capacity # p = n # while state[p] == state[n]: # code 4 # p -= 1 # if p < 0: # break # p=-1 # for idx in range(p + 1, negative): # preferenceignore[idx] = 1 # i = p + 1 # continue # k = j - i # length in the same state, this will help to jump the queue # if np.any(soc_ahead[i:j] == 1): # soc_diff = 1 - zero # delta_charging = soc_diff * battery_capacity / charging_eff / k # cero = zero # for m in range(i, j): # current_soc = cero - consumption[ # m] / battery_capacity + delta_charging * charging_eff / battery_capacity # if current_soc > 1: # soc[m] = 1 # battery[m] = delta_charging * charging_eff - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity # grid[m] = (delta_charging - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t # else: # soc[m] = current_soc # battery[m] = delta_charging * charging_eff # grid[m] = delta_charging / t # cero = current_soc # i = m # else: # cero = zero # for m in range(i, j): # current_soc = cero - consumption[m] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[ # m] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity # if current_soc > 1: # soc[m] = 1 # battery[m] = charging_cap[m] * t * charging_eff - (current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity # grid[m] = (charging_cap[m] * t - ( # current_soc - 1) * battery_capacity / charging_eff) / t # else: # soc[m] = current_soc # battery[m] = charging_cap[m] * t * charging_eff # grid[m] = (charging_cap[m] * t) / t # cero = current_soc # i = m # else: # current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity # soc[i] = current_soc # battery[i] = 0 # grid[i] = 0 # else: # print(i, 'else', zero, preferenceignore[i]) # current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity # soc[i] = current_soc # battery[i] = 0 # grid[i] = 0 # i += 1 # return [soc, battery, grid, preferenceignore] def _check_success(self): """ Check and set success in self.success. The actual_soc minimum must be higher than the self.soc_min. """ if self.profile['actual_soc'].min() >= self.soc_min: cons_t = round(self.profile['consumption'].sum(), 2) chrg_t = round(self.profile['charge_battery'].sum()*self.t, 2) sto_i = round(self.battery_capacity * self.soc_init, 2) sto_e = round(self.battery_capacity * self.profile['actual_soc'].values[-1], 2) bal_t = round(sto_i + chrg_t - cons_t - sto_e, 2) if bal_t != 0.0: print('Balance:', bal_t, ' Consumption:', cons_t, 'charge_battery:', chrg_t, 'sto_init:', sto_i, 'sto_end:', sto_e) self.success = True else: self.success = False # def change_battery_capacity(self, new_capacity): # """ # # # Args: # new_capacity ([type]): [description] # """ # self.change_battery_cap = True # self.battery_capacity = new_capacity def _clean(self): """ Deletes all attributes of object which are not in keep_attr. """ to_rem = list(self.__dict__.keys())[:] keep_attr = [ 'kind', 'input', 'change_battery_cap', 'pointmissing', 'success', 'option', 'profile', 'timeseries', 'name' ] for r in keep_attr: if r in to_rem: to_rem.remove(r) for attr in to_rem: self.__dict__.pop(attr, None) del to_rem
[docs] def save_profile(self, folder, description=' '): """ Saves object profile as a pickle file. Args: folder (str): Where the files will be stored. Folder is created in case it does not exist. description (str, optional): Description which can be saved in object attribute. Defaults to " ". """ self.description = description info = self.__dict__ os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(folder, + '.pickle') with, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(info, file) del info print('File saved : ' + filepath) return None