Source code for emobpy.availability

This module contains the Availability class that creates the grid availability time series.
The class requires to be provided with the name of the driving consumption profile on which
will build up the new time series. It will also require the charging station power rating
and charging station probability distribution based on the location. The location can also
be associated with the trip purpose or destination. The time series indicate the location as
a state.

The Availability class reads the consumption profile. Every row contains a location, arriving
time, duration, distance and energy consumption from battery for driving. Following the
availability probability distribution, the tool looks at every row's location (state) and
sample a charging station. After the charging stations have been allocated to every row, the
tool tests if the allocation complies with the energy requirements. The state of charge (SOC)
is determined assuming an immediate charging strategy. This strategy consists of charging at
the maximum power rate whenever the current SOC is between 0 - 1. If the resulting SOC never
goes below zero. Then the allocation is considered correct, and the charging availability time
series is done; otherwise, a new allocation occurs.

The allocation of charging stations is carried out several times until a successful allocation
is reached or the maximum number of attempts is attained. If the latter, the file name will
contain FAIL word.

For more details see the article and cite:

.. code-block:: python

    author={Gaete-Morales, Carlos and Kramer, Hendrik and Schill, Wolf-Peter and Zerrahn, Alexander},
    title={An open tool for creating battery-electric vehicle time series from empirical data, emobpy},
    journal={Scientific Data}, year={2021}, month={Jun}, day={11}, volume={8}, number={1}, pages={152},
    issn={2052-4463}, doi={10.1038/s41597-021-00932-9}, url={}}

See also the examples in the documentation


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import uuid
import os
import pickle
import gzip
from numba import jit
from .constants import TIME_FREQ
from .tools import check_for_new_function_name

[docs]def add_column_datetime(df, totalrows, reference_date, t): """ Useful to convert the time series from hours index to datetime index. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Table on which datetime column should be added. totalrows (int): Number of rows on which datetime column should be added. reference_date (str): Starting date for adding. E.g. '01/01/2020'. t (float): Float frequency, will be changed to string. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Table with added datetime column. """ fr = {1: "H", 0.5: "30min", 0.25: "15min", 0.125: "450s"} freq = fr[t] start_date = pd.to_datetime(reference_date) drange = pd.date_range(start_date, periods=totalrows, freq=freq) df = pd.DataFrame(df.values, columns=df.columns, index=drange) df = df.rename_axis("date").copy() return df
#################################################################### # These functions are for grid availability profile creation ### ####################################################################
[docs]class Availability: """ Instance that represents a grid availability time series. It requires the driving consumption profile name (inpt) on which will build up the new time series and the database instace (db) where the consumption profiles are hosted. Args: inpt (str): driving consumption profile name db (DataBase()): class instance that contains the profiles Example: .. code-block:: python GA = Availability('ev1_abc_tesla3_def', DB) GA.set_scenario(charging_data) GA.save_profile('path to folder') """ def __init__(self, inpt, db): self.kind = "availability" self.input = inpt self._load_setting_driving(db) self.discharging_eff = self.vehicle.parameters["battery_discharging_eff"] self._set_vehicle_feature( self.vehicle.parameters["battery_cap"], self.vehicle.parameters["battery_charging_eff"], ) self._set_battery_rules() def __getattr__(self, item): check_for_new_function_name(item) # if the return value is not callable, we get TypeError: def _load_setting_driving(self, database): """ Loads setting data from DataBase. Then, the following attributes can be called self.df self.t self.totalrows self.hours self.freq self.refdate self.states Args: database (DataBase()): E.g. manager = DataBase(dir) "manager" is a class instance that contains the profiles Raises: ValueError: Raised if driving profile can not be found. """ if database.db[self.input]: if database.db[self.input]["kind"] == "consumption": self.df = ( database.db[self.input]["profile"][ [ "hr", "state", "distance", "consumption kWh", "consumption kWh/100 km", ] ] .fillna(0) .copy() ) self.t = database.db[self.input]["t"] self.totalrows = database.db[self.input]["totalrows"] self.hours = database.db[self.input]["hours"] self.freq = TIME_FREQ[self.t]["f"] self.refdate = database.db[self.input]["refdate"] self.states = database.db[self.input]["states"] self.vehicle = database.db[self.input]["vehicle"] else: raise ValueError( "The driving profile {} can not be found in the database".format( self.input ) ) else: raise ValueError( "The driving profile {} can not be found in the database".format( self.input ) ) def _set_vehicle_feature(self, battery_capacity, charging_eff): """ Sets given battery_capacity and charging eff to object. Args: battery_capacity (int): Battery capacity in kwh. charging_eff (float): Charging efficiency in percent. """ self.battery_capacity = battery_capacity self.charging_eff = charging_eff def _set_battery_rules(self, soc_init=0.5, soc_min=0.02, altern=[]): """ Sets Battery rules to object. Args: soc_init (float [0-1], optional): Initiated state of charge of the battery. Defaults to 0.5. soc_min (float [0-1], optional): Minimum state of charge of the battery. Defaults to 0.02. altern (list, optional): kWh larger than battery_capacity. Defaults to []. """ self.soc_init = soc_init self.soc_min = soc_min self.storage_altern = altern[:]
[docs] def set_scenario(self, charging_data): """ Sets given charging_data to object. Args: charging_data (dict): E.g. .. code-block:: python { 'prob_charging_point' : {'errands': {'public':0.3,'none':0.7}, 'escort': {'public':0.3,'none':0.7}, 'leisure': {'public':0.3,'none':0.7}, 'shopping': {'public':0.3,'none':0.7}, 'home': {'public':0.3,'none':0.7}, 'workplace':{'public':0.0,'workplace':0.3,'none':0.7}, 'driving': {'none':1.0} }, 'capacity_charging_point' : {'public':11,'home':1.8,'workplace':5.5,'none':0} } """ self.chargingdata = charging_data
def _initial_conf(self): """ Initialize configuration from self.chargingdata and creates a unique name. """ self.prob_charging_point = self.chargingdata["prob_charging_point"] self.capacity_charging_point = self.chargingdata["capacity_charging_point"] = self.input + "_avai_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[0:5] def _choose_charging_point(self, state): """ Choose charging point depending on probability. Args: state (str): State of the vehicle. Returns: str: Name of the chosen charging point. """ if state != "driving": self.chrg_points = [key for key in self.prob_charging_point[state].keys()] self.prob = [val for val in self.prob_charging_point[state].values()] self.rnd_name = np.random.choice(self.chrg_points, p=self.prob) return self.rnd_name else: return "none" def _choose_charging_point_fast(self, row): """ Select a charging point. Args: row (row df.DataFrame): Timeseries. Raises: Exception: Long distance trip and battery capacity does not match. Returns: self.rnd_name: Chosen charging point. """ if row["consumption kWh"] > 0.85 * self.battery_capacity: self.chrg_points = [key for key in self.prob_charging_point[row["state"]].keys()] if "none" in self.chrg_points: idx = self.chrg_points.index("none") del self.chrg_points[idx] if not self.chrg_points: raise Exception( f'This profile has a long distance trip ({row["consumption kWh"]} kWh), higher than battery ' f'capacity (0.85 * {self.battery_capacity}). Add fast charging stations') self.prob = [ val for val in self.prob_charging_point[row["state"]].values() ] del self.prob[idx] total = sum(self.prob) if total == 0: self.rnd_name = self.chrg_points[0] return self.rnd_name self.prob = [x / total for x in self.prob] self.rnd_name = np.random.choice(self.chrg_points, p=self.prob) return self.rnd_name else: if not self.chrg_points: raise Exception( f'This profile has a long distance trip ({row["consumption kWh"]} kWh), higher than battery ' f'capacity (0.85 * {self.battery_capacity}). Add fast charging stations') self.prob = [ val for val in self.prob_charging_point[row["state"]].values() ] self.rnd_name = np.random.choice(self.chrg_points, p=self.prob) return self.rnd_name else: self.chrg_points = [ key for key in self.prob_charging_point[row["state"]].keys() ] self.prob = [val for val in self.prob_charging_point[row["state"]].values()] self.rnd_name = np.random.choice(self.chrg_points, p=self.prob) return self.rnd_name def _drawing_soc(self): """ Drawing the state of charge of vehicle. """ self.point = "driving" self.statesplusdrv = list(set(self.dt.loc[:, "state"])) self.pointcode = self.statesplusdrv.index(self.point) self.numpy_array3 = self.dt[["state"]].values.T self.arraystringstate = self.numpy_array3[0] self.arraycodestate = np.array( [self.statesplusdrv.index(s) for s in self.arraystringstate] ) numpy_array = self.dt[["consumption", "charging_cap"]].values.T self.dt.loc[:, "soc"] = self._soc( self.pointcode, self.charging_eff, self.battery_capacity, self.soc_init, self.arraycodestate, *numpy_array, self.t, ) @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True) def _soc(driving_code, charging_eff, battery_capacity, soc_init, state, consumption, charging_cap, t): """ Calculate state of charge of vehicle. #TODO DOCSTRING Args: driving_code ([type]): [description] charging_eff ([type]): [description] battery_capacity ([type]): [description] soc_init ([type]): [description] state ([type]): [description] consumption ([type]): [description] charging_cap ([type]): [description] t ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: Calculated soc. """ soc = np.empty(consumption.shape) rows = soc.shape[0] for i in range(rows): if i == 0: zero = soc_init current_soc = ( zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity ) if current_soc > 1: soc[i] = 1 else: soc[i] = current_soc else: zero = soc[i - 1] if state[i] == driving_code: if zero == 1: current_soc = zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity soc[i] = current_soc else: current_soc = ( zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity ) if current_soc > 1: soc[i] = 1 else: soc[i] = current_soc else: current_soc = ( zero - consumption[i] / battery_capacity + charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity ) if current_soc > 1: soc[i] = 1 else: soc[i] = current_soc return soc # @staticmethod # @jit(nopython=True) # def soc_old(charging_eff, battery_capacity, soc_init, consumption, charging_cap, t): # """ # state of charge of battery # # Args: # charging_eff ([type]): [description] # battery_capacity ([type]): [description] # soc_init ([type]): [description] # consumption ([type]): [description] # charging_cap ([type]): [description] # t ([type]): [description] # # Returns: # [type]: [description] # """ # soc = np.empty(consumption.shape) # for i in range(soc.shape[0]): # if i == 0: # zero = soc_init # current_soc = ( # zero # - consumption[i] / battery_capacity # + charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity # ) # if current_soc > 1: # soc[i] = 1 # else: # soc[i] = current_soc # else: # zero = soc[i - 1] # current_soc = ( # zero # - consumption[i] / battery_capacity # + charging_cap[i] * t * charging_eff / battery_capacity # ) # if current_soc > 1: # soc[i] = 1 # else: # soc[i] = current_soc # return soc def _testing_soc(self): """ Tests state of charge for errors. """ self.failed_chrg = self.dt[self.dt["soc"] < self.soc_min].copy() if self.failed_chrg.empty: if self.dt["soc"].iloc[-1] >= self.soc_init: self.soc_end = round(self.dt["soc"].iloc[-1], 3) print( "soc_init:", round(self.soc_init, 3), "--> soc_end:", self.soc_end ) self.success = True self.notation = "True" self.ready = True else: self.drivlist = self.dt[self.dt["state"] == "driving"].index.to_list()[ ::-1 ] self.len = len(self.dt) for ix in self.drivlist: self.dt.loc[ix, "consumption"] = 0.0 self._drawing_soc() if self.dt["soc"].iloc[-1] >= self.soc_init: break self.new_len = len(self.dt[:ix]) self.proportion_ts_modified = round(self.new_len / self.len, 3) if self.dt["soc"].iloc[-1] >= self.soc_init: self.stored_n += 1 self.stored_success_prop.append(self.proportion_ts_modified) self.stored_success.append(self.dt.copy()) if self.stored_n == 3: self.dt = self.stored_success[ max( enumerate(self.stored_success_prop), key=lambda tup: tup[1], )[0] ].copy() self.proportion_ts_modified = max( enumerate(self.stored_success_prop), key=lambda tup: tup[1] )[1] self.success = True self.notation = str(self.proportion_ts_modified) self.ready = True print( "Consumption set zero for the last trips. Time steps share:", max( enumerate(self.stored_success_prop), key=lambda tup: tup[1], )[1], ) self.soc_end = round(self.dt["soc"].iloc[-1], 3) print( "soc_init:", round(self.soc_init, 3), "--> soc_end:", self.soc_end, ) if not self.ready: if self.n % 40 == 0: if self.n != 0: print( "still in while loop after ", self.n, " iterations. Battery may be small, or few charging points available...", ) if self.n % 80 == 0: if self.n != 0: if self.battopt: print( "Change battery capacity from {} kWh to {} kWh".format( self.battery_capacity, self.battopt[0] ) ) self.battery_capacity = self.battopt[0] self.battopt.remove(self.battopt[0]) else: self.success = False self.notation = "Faulty" # save anyway but it must be verified += "_FAIL" print( " ----- !!! UNSUCCESSFUL profile creation !!! ----- please check this '{}', it may need to " "increase battery capacity or soc init is too low".format( self.ready = True def _fill_rows(self): """ Sets data for many attributes and is executed in """ self.repeats = [ "hr", "state", "charging_point", "charging_cap", "distance", "consumption", ] self.fixed = ["consumption kWh"] self.copied = [] self.calc = ["dayhrs"] self.same = [] self.dt = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.db.columns) self.dt.loc[:, "hh"] = np.arange(0, self.hours, self.t) self.idx = self.dt[self.dt["hh"].isin(self.db["hr"].tolist())].index.tolist() self.mixed = self.repeats + self.fixed + self.copied for r in self.mixed: self.val = self.db[r].values.tolist() self.dt.loc[self.idx, r] = self.val self.dt.loc[self.totalrows - 1, "state"] = self.db["state"].iloc[-1] self.dt.loc[self.totalrows - 1, "hr"] = self.dt["hh"][self.totalrows - 1] self.rp = self.dt[::-1].reset_index(drop=True) self.rp.loc[:, self.repeats] = self.rp[self.repeats].fillna(method="ffill") self.rp.loc[:, self.fixed] = self.rp[self.fixed].fillna(0) self.dt = self.rp[::-1].reset_index(drop=True) for sm in self.same: self.dt.loc[:, sm] = self.db[sm].values.tolist()[0] for cal in self.calc: self.dt.loc[:, cal] = self.dt["hh"].apply(lambda x: x % 24) self.dt.loc[:, "count"] = self.dt.groupby(["hr", "state"])[ "consumption" ].transform("count") self.dt.loc[:, "consumption"] = ( self.dt.loc[:, "consumption"] / self.dt.loc[:, "count"] ) self.dt.loc[:, "distance"] = ( self.dt.loc[:, "distance"] / self.dt.loc[:, "count"] ) # convert this section to numba flag = False for i, row in self.dt.iterrows(): if flag: if row["state"] == "driving": flag = True if self.cumcons != 0 and self.cumchrg == 0: self.cumcons += row["consumption"] if self.cumcons < self.battery_capacity * 0.50: self.dt.loc[i, "charging_cap"] = 0 self.dt.loc[i, "charging_point"] = "none" self.cumchrg = 0 else: self.cumchrg += row["charging_cap"] * self.t self.cumcons = 0 else: self.cumchrg += row["charging_cap"] * self.t if self.cumchrg > self.battery_capacity * 0.5: self.cumchrg = 0 self.cumcons += 0.001 else: pass else: flag = False elif row["state"] == "driving": flag = True self.cumcons = row["consumption"] if self.cumcons < self.battery_capacity * 0.65: self.dt.loc[i, "charging_cap"] = 0 self.dt.loc[i, "charging_point"] = "none" self.cumchrg = 0 else: self.cumchrg = row["charging_cap"] * self.t self.cumcons = 0
[docs] def run(self): """ No input required. Once it finishes the following attributes can be called. Attributes: - kind - input - chargingdata - battery_capacity - charging_eff - discharging_eff - soc_init - soc_min - storage_altern - profile - timeseries - success - name - proportion_ts_modified """ self._initial_conf() self.battopt = self.storage_altern[:] self.battopt.sort() self.ready = False self.proportion_ts_modified = 1.0 self.stored_success = [] self.stored_success_prop = [] self.stored_n = 0 self.n = 0 self.df.loc[:, "dayhrs"] = self.df["hr"] % 24 self.df.loc[:, "consumption"] = self.df["consumption kWh"] while True: self.db = self.df.copy() self.db.loc[:, "charging_point"] = self.df["state"].apply( lambda state: self._choose_charging_point(state) ) self.db.loc[ self.df[self.df["state"] == "driving"].index, "charging_point" ] = self.df[self.df["state"] == "driving"].apply( self._choose_charging_point_fast, axis=1 ) self.db.loc[:, "charging_cap"] = self.db["charging_point"].apply( lambda charging_point: self.capacity_charging_point[charging_point] ) self._fill_rows() self._drawing_soc() self._testing_soc() if self.ready: break else: self.n += 1 self.profile = self.dt[ [ "hh", "state", "distance", "consumption", "charging_point", "charging_cap", "soc", "consumption kWh", "count", ] ].copy() self.timeseries = add_column_datetime( self.profile.copy(), self.totalrows, self.refdate, self.t ) self.timeseries = self.timeseries[["hh","state","distance","consumption","charging_point","charging_cap","soc"]] to_rem = list(self.__dict__.keys())[:] keep_attr = [ "kind", "input", "chargingdata", "battery_capacity", "charging_eff", "discharging_eff", "soc_init", "soc_min", "soc_end", "storage_altern", "profile", "timeseries", "success", "name", "proportion_ts_modified", "totalrows", "refdate", "t", "notation", ] for r in keep_attr: if r in to_rem: to_rem.remove(r) for attr in to_rem: self.__dict__.pop(attr, None) del to_rem print("Profile done: " +
[docs] def save_profile(self, folder, description=" "): """ Saves object profile as a pickle file. Args: folder (str): Where the files will be stored. Folder is created in case it does not exist. description (str, optional): Description which can be saved in object attribute. Defaults to " ". """ self.description = description os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(folder, + ".pickle") with, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(self.__dict__, file) print("=== profile saved === : " + filepath)